Sibling relationships allow children to try out new social and emotional behavior, particularly when it comes to conflict.
Sibling rivalry is often taken as an unexamined fact of family life -- as much a part of parenting as potty training or bedtime stories.
But experts say parents don't have to put up with the bickering: There are strategies and techniques to help brothers and sisters get along better, strengthening a relationship that will support them for life and make for a more harmonious home.
Given the enforced proximity that is still a reality for many as a Covid-19 winter approaches, a game plan to improve sibling relationships could be a lifesaver for struggling parents.
"It's been part of our culture, at least in the US, to think that siblings fight. That there's going to be lots of times they don't get along. " said Laurie Kramer, a professor of applied psychology at Northeastern University in Boston.
"When social lives are so restricted, families really see the value of encouraging their kids to be friends, in some respects, to be companions and playmates."
Unlike many of our relationships, we don't choose our siblings. Brothers and sisters can withstand far more negativity and behavior that simply wouldn't fly among friends, Kramer said.
That's one reason why sibling interactions are developmentally so important. These relationships allow children to try out new social and emotional behavior, particularly when it comes to conflict, helping them learn ways to manage emotions and develop awareness of other people's thoughts and feelings.
"It's helpful for children to have experiences in a very safe relationship with a brother or sister where they can work through (conflict) and learn conflict management skills that they will be able to use in other relationships in their life," Kramer said.
So what steps should you take to help feuding siblings get along? Here are some ideas.
Intervene or ignore?
As a rule, Caspi said, it's better to ignore simple bickering.
However, he stressed that physical violence and the name calling that often precedes it should be policed.
"Since violence escalates incrementally in its severity, it is important that parents stop verbal violence before it becomes physical. Name calling is violence and opens the door for escalation into more severe violence."
What not to do
The danger with intervening or involving yourself in children's disagreements is that it can backfire and fuel the fighting.
Parents tend to intervene on behalf of the younger child, which builds more resentment in the older and empowers the younger to challenge the older more frequently, Caspi said. Avoid phrases like "You're bigger, be nice!" "Be a good role model," or "She's little, let her have the toy."
"Another reason for bickering is parents who make lots of comparisons. Parents should avoid comparing their children. Children hear the comparisons and it creates more competition and fighting," he said.
It's also important to take complaints seriously. For example, if a child consistently complains, "It's not fair" -- something I find particularly challenging in dealing with my own daughters.
"When children complain about fairness, parents often dismiss it ... which only confirms the sense that they are on the outside in the parent-children relationship. Acknowledge the feelings and openly discuss it," Caspi said.
Lastly, and perhaps most crucially, both Caspi and Kramer said that it's important for parents to cut themselves some slack and take care of their own mental health. Kids can pick up on stress and tension, and this may lead to more fights.