Most people have occasional memory loss, such as forgetting a new acquaintance's name or not remembering where their car keys have been. This is simply a sign that a person is too busy with work or has other issues of interest. On the other hand, an intermittent poor memory could be the problem you're having. There are many causes of memory loss such as genetics, age and other medical and health conditions affecting the brain. There are also some controllable risk factors for dementia, such as diet and lifestyle.
While not all causes of memory loss are preventable, some measures can help protect the brain against cognitive decline as you age.
Brain training
In a similar way to muscles, the brain needs regular use to stay healthy. Mental training is also essential for gray matter like other factors, and brain challenges can help it grow and expand, which can improve memory.
One test showed that people who only needed 15 minutes of mental activity at least 5 days a week had improved brain function.
Get enough sleep
Sleep is important for brain health in general. Disrupting the body's natural sleep cycle can lead to cognitive decline, as this disrupts the brain processes used to create memories.
A sufficient sleep usually lasts about 7 hours 9 nights for an adult, helping the brain to create and store long-term memories.
Reduce stress
You should avoid putting yourself too stressed during the exam season. Prolonged stress will cause the brain to shrink, leading to destruction of brain cells.
Play thinking games
Playing mind games helps activate nerve tissue throughout the brain. These games increase your concentration and the ability to recall information you have previously received.
Vitamin D
We get vitamin D mainly from sunlight. Vitamin D is closely related to the brain and memory. Many vitamins D can help improve memory and protect the brain from dementia.
Meditation can help your brain improve memory. Many studies show that meditation helps improve brain function, reduce the signs of brain degeneration and improve both working memory and long-term memory.
Researchers observed the brains of those who regularly practice meditation and those who did not.
Their results show that making meditation a habit can cause long-term changes in the brain, including increased brain flexibility, helping to maintain a healthy state.
Eat brain-healthy foods
Food provides energy to the brain, so that the brain can function effectively. Anti-inflammatory foods rich in protein and omega-3s will help boost brain function and memory.
Do exercise
Exercise will help you stay awake while providing oxygen to the brain. Exercise helps promote cell growth in the parts of the brain that are responsible for remembering. You should do light exercises like walking, jogging or jumping rope.
Avoid high calorie diets
Along with cutting down on excess sugar, reducing overall calories can also help protect the brain.
The researchers noted that a high-calorie diet can impair memory and lead to obesity. The effects on memory can be attributed to a high-calorie diet leading to inflammation of the important parts of the brain.
A study from 2009 looked at whether limiting calories in humans could improve memory. Participants were women with an average age of 60.5 years who reduced their calorie intake by 30%. The results showed that they had a significant improvement in memory.