The beauty benefits of frozen vegetables have been verified by many women and using frozen vegetables is becoming a trend.
White, flawless smooth skin is the dream of every girl. However, even if you use a lot of expensive cosmetics, you may still not have what you desire. Try the 3 ways below. Tomatoes, lemons and green bananas are great for your skin, but they will be much more effective in frozen forms. The cold will help stimulate blood circulation, accelerate the skin regeneration process, thereby tightening the pores, causing acne to disappear quickly.
How to use frozen vegetables for skin care
Treat acne and whiten your skin with frozen lemon
You need to prepare:
- 500g of fresh lemons
- 500克新鲜柠檬
- An ice tray
How to do it
- Wash the lemons and soak them in diluted salt water for 10-15 minutes.
- Put the lemons in the ice tray and use plastic bags to cover them, then put them in the freezer.
- 把柠檬放在冰盘里,用塑料袋盖上,然后放进冰箱。
- Wait about 5-6 hours until the lemons becomes frozen.
- 等待5-6个小时直到柠檬被冷冻。
Method 1: Eat the lemons
- Grate the lemons and make them into a smoothie or salad to eat directly.
- Eat 2 to 3 frozen lemons a week to rejuvenate your body and fight aging in the long run.
每周吃2 - 3个冷冻柠檬,可以让你的身体恢复活力,从长远来看还能抵抗衰老。
Method 2: Use frozen lemon mask
- Grate 2 tablespoons of frozen lemon and mix with 1 spoon of pure honey + 2 spoon of unsweetened yogurt, stir until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
- Wash your face with warm water to remove dirt and then apply the mixture on your face and gently massage.
- Leave the mixture on your face for about 30 minutes and then wash with cold water.
- Do this 2-3 times / week. After 2 weeks the acne and dark scars will fade away and your skin will be whiter.
Treat acne and whiten your skin with frozen tomatoes
You need to prepare:
- 3 tomatoes
- 3个番茄
- 5 vitamin E capsules
- 5个维生素E胶囊
- An ice tray, a towel, a blender
How to do it:
- Wash the tomatoes and soak them in diluted salt water for about 15 minutes to get rid of the chemicals on them.
- Cut the tomatoes into small pieces, remove the seeds, then put them in the blender, puree for 2-3 minutes.
- Use a strainer to filter the juice, remove the residue and put the juice in a bowl.
- Take the liquid inside the vitamin E capsules, put it in the bowl and stir until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
- Pour the mixture into the ice tray, put in the freezer for about 5 hours.
- Take the cubes and put in a zip bag to use gradually.
- Wash your face with a cleanser and warm water to remove dirt and dead cells.
- Wrapped a cube in a cloth and rub it gently on your skin.
- 用一块布包裹一个立方体,在皮肤上轻轻摩擦。
- Do this every night before going to bed and your face will be fairer, your pores will be smaller and the bruises will also disappear.
- 每晚睡前做这个,你的脸会更白皙,毛孔会更小,淤青也会消失。
Treat acne and whiten your skin with frozen green bananas
You need to prepare:
- 5 green bananas
- 5个绿香蕉
- 2 spoons of virgin coconut oil
- 2勺初榨椰子油
- 1 spoons of lemon juice
- 1勺柠檬汁
- 2 spoons of salt
- 1 fresh orange
- 1个鲜橙
- A blender, an ice tray, a bowl and a spoon.
- 搅拌机,冰盘,碗和勺子
How to do it:
- Add 2 spoons of salt to a pot of clean water.
- Cut the oranges and lemons in half, then squeeze out the juice.
- Cut the bananas into thin slices and puree them with coconut oil, lemon juice and orange juice for about 3 minutes.
- 将香蕉切成薄片,加入椰子油、柠檬汁和橙汁搅拌约3分钟。
- Pour the mixture into the ice tray and store it in the freezer for 4-5 hours. Then put them in a zip pocket to use gradually.
- Wash your face, take a towel wrapped with a frozen green banana cube and rub it on the skin for 10-15 minutes until the stone dissolves.
- Wash your face with clean water. Do this 2 times / week and you will have smooth white skin.