There are multiple green and eco-friendly ways to dispose of cat litter, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Because of the wide variety of cat litters, the different wastewater treatment and sewer systems in each municipality, and the difficulty in composting cat waste, there isn’t one solution that will work for everyone.
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You’ll first need to research what kind of litter will work best for you and your fluffy friend. Litter these days is made out of a wide range of materials, from potentially toxic to all-natural materials. You’ll then have to decide how you want to dispose of the litter. (Flushing it down your toilet is not a safe or responsible option.)
Cat waste is different from dog waste. If not properly disposed of, cat waste has the potential to be hazardous to your health and the environment. Being a green pet owner isn’t always easy, but it’s important to be aware of every option and purchase in order to make the most sustainable decision.
Biodegradable Litter
Choose a kitty litter made of natural materials. Look for ingredients such as recycled compressed paper, wood shavings, corn, grass seed, pine, wheat, and sawdust. Most biodegradable cat litters are made of various plant-based products and can be more expensive than grocery store litter. Keep in mind that many of those mainstream cat litters contain silica dust, which can cause upper respiratory infections in both cats and humans. Also, avoid litters that contain sodium bentonite (clay) or fragrances. These materials are harmful to both cats and the environment, due to their extraction methods and use of chemicals.
Biodegradable Bags
The easiest and most common method to dispose of cat waste is to scoop it out of the box, tightly seal it in a bag, and toss it in the trash. A biodegradable bag designed for cat litter may seem like a great option. However, these kinds of bags, allegedly designed to compost more quickly, have very mixed results.
If you must contain the waste in a bag before you add it to your trash bin, opt to use a brown paper bag. These take less time to break down than a plastic bag or even current biodegradable bags on the market.
Why You Shouldn’t Flush Cat Litter
Flushing cat litter and waste down the toilet is risky and potentially harmful to the environment. For starters, cat waste can clog your pipes, contaminate drinking water, and hurt ecosystems. Even if it’s advertised as “flushable litter,” it might not be safe for your pipe system. Some litters aren’t designed for septic systems, let alone the fact that many septic systems can’t break down certain materials like cat waste, no matter what litter you use.
How to Safely Compost Cat Litter
Some cat people claim composting cat poop is possible, but this can also be dangerous to human health and the environment. If you plan on using compost on or near any edible gardens, avoid using any pet waste. Compost made of pet waste is to be used only on lawns or non-edible crops (like a rose garden or perennials).
Cat Diet and Sustainable Litter Boxes
Most cat litter boxes are made from plastic, which is a fossil fuel byproduct that Treehugger highly discourages purchasing brand new. Consider upcycling a plastic tub that would otherwise get tossed in the trash, or pick one up at your local thrift store. If you want to make an investment in a long-lasting option that won’t absorb odors, consider a (used) stainless steel steam pan.
While it’s true that our pets’ environmental footprint is bigger than we’d like to think, researching every option and making informed purchasing decisions will help you and your Fluffy live a more sustainable life.