The new documentary "Back Water" asks a lot of questions, but it mostly leaves the answers to the viewer. It's those lingering questions that kept this quiet, even relaxing, viewing experience stuck in my mind for days afterwards.
Clocking in at a mere 72 minutes, "Back Water," seems at first like a simple environmental travel documentary, if set in a unusual locale for such a project.
'Back Water' explores a wilderness area that's the literal backyard of millions of people — the Hackensack River and New Jersey Meadowlands. (Photo: Jon Cohrs, 'Back Water')
Director Jon Cohrs wanted to take his skills and point of view as a former wilderness guide at Glacier National Park in Alaska and bring them to a place where they hadn't been applied before: The wetlands adjacent to the most densely populated area in the United States. He spent 10 days navigating the Hackensack River into the New Jersey Meadowlands.
But this isn't a man-alone-in-the-wilderness situation. Cohrs brings along a crew that includes Nicola Twilley, a contributing writer at The New Yorker who hosts Gastropod, a podcast about food science and history; the hunter and hairdresser Sara Jensen; the cook and writer Erin Tolman; the lawyer Gillian Cassell-Stiga, who was raised in New Jersey just a few miles from the wetlands; Derek Hallquist, the film's lead cameraman and director of "Denial,"a film about 2018 Vermont gubernatorial candidate Christine Hallquist; and the sound person, Patrick of "Get Me Roger Stone."
但这并不是一个人在野外的情况。科尔斯带来了一批工作人员,包括Nicola Twilley,《纽约客》的撰稿人,主持美食播客,一个关于食物科学和历史的播客;猎人兼美发师莎拉·詹森;厨师兼作家艾琳·托尔曼;在新泽西长大的律师吉莉安·卡斯尔-斯蒂加,离湿地只有几英里;德里克·霍尔奎斯特是该片的首席摄影师,也是《否认》的导演。《否认》讲述的是2018年佛蒙特州州长候选人克莉丝汀·霍尔奎斯特的故事;还有《给我罗杰·斯通》的配音演员帕特里克。"
What is wilderness?
While the seven-person team spent a lot of time on the water, they did step on dry land to make camp, pick up supplies, and sometimes, to explore. (Photo: Jon Cohrs, 'Back Water')
Why would a former Alaskan wilderness guide choose to lovingly document a journey down a river that's crisscrossed by busy highways and commuter train lines, and whose shores are home to abandoned factories? "I really wanted to look at our experience of wilderness," Cohrs said in a virtual panel discussion via the New York Hall of Science. "It was an opportunity to challenge our beliefs around this space as well as take on the naive idea of navigating down this river and camping like we would if we were at one of these famous wilderness areas."
Whenever the camera more closely focuses on the group's activities — packing up the boats, cooking meals over a camp stove, looking at an interesting plant, or in one case, a muskrat skull, you can forget they were often just a few thousand feet from a mall or big-box store. It does feel like a wilderness space, and when the camera pulls back to show the larger scene — maybe a shopping complex or multiple bridges in the distance, or in one shot, the lights of Manhattan at night — you are reminded this isn't the wilderness we're used to seeing.
The film ultimately makes a strong case to me that natural places, especially waterways, can serve as spaces where city residents who might not be able to go hundreds of miles away to a lake or to the mountains. And once they cherish a place, or even just understand and respect how and why it works as a water filtration system, wildlife habitat, and storm-surge buffer, they might more likely to protect it.