Fuzzy, furry friends are filling our homes since the lockdowns due to cornoravirus began in early March.
Over the last two months, the numbers of people fostering cats and dogs have risen dramatically over the same period last year.
Adoptions, while down due to the closing of shelters, may be starting to rise as well, Castle said, perhaps a result of people falling in love with their foster pets and giving them forever homes.
In the Salt Lake City no-kill shelter within the Best Friends network, 46% of foster applicants said they were interested in potentially adopting. If they follow through — and that attitude is replicated across the US and other countries where there's been an uptick in fostering — it could be a huge win for homeless animals everywhere.
在盐湖城the Best Friends网站的无杀戮庇护所,46%的代养申请者说他们有兴趣收养。如果他们坚持到底,这对各地无家可归的动物来说可能是一个巨大的胜利,这种态度在美国和其他国家也得到了复制,那里的代养数量有所上升。
But if that doesn't happen and people begin returning foster pets as they return to work, the impact on shelters already strapped by a lack of funds could be devastating.
"It's going to put a lot of pressure on animal welfare groups and shelters, and they're going to have to reach out to the community for support," said Michelle Cole, who is the chief marketing and sales officer at Pethealth Inc., the parent company of 24PetWatch.
24PetWatch的母公司Pethealth Inc.的首席营销和销售官米歇尔•科尔说:“这将给动物福利团体和庇护所带来很大压力,他们必须向社区寻求支持。”。
"This is also the typical fundraising period, and they haven't been able to do that due to coronavirus," she added. "So already a lot of them are experiencing more financial strain."
Adoption agencies are sounding the alarm, trying to encourage people to understand the ramifications of returning fostered or adopted pets who may be undergoing some behavior change or separation anxiety as their owners return to work.
If you've already fostered a pet, you have likely taken into account the extra money you'll need. If not, experts said, please stop and do so.
Vaccines, supplies like crates and litter boxes, vet appointments, heartworm and flea prevention, toys, food and pet-sitting costs can add up quickly to thousands of dollars each year, depending on the pet's age and health status. Additional expenses, depending on the pet, include training and grooming.
There are ways to cut expenses, such as buying in bulk from pet supply or large warehouse stores, and many vets and shelters offer free or reduced neuter surgeries.
Dog walking is excellent for our cardiovascular system, but those multiple walks are good for your pup's health, too. Different breeds need different levels of exercise, so be sure to do your research.
Thankfully, it's still possible to get outside during the age of coronavirus, but be sure to practice social distancing.
Socialization is probably the most important thing.
Making sure everyone in the family — especially children — handles your furry friend gently. No yelling or screaming, no eye poking or yanking of tails.
Instead, hug and snuggle your cat as much as possible, as young as possible. It's even OK to pick them up and cuddle them like a baby, especially if they are always petted and brushed when near their special people.