Of all the philosophies, axioms and pearls of wisdom I've amassed over the years, one comes up more than any other. It's the Taoist lesson of the relative nature of good and bad. It's efficiently illustrated by the 2.000-year-old story of the good (and bad) fortune that follows a farmer's loss of his horse.
We use the good-or-bad dichotomy to categorize nearly everything in our lives -- events, people, food, decisions, even world history. But the lesson of the story is that there is actually no such thing as good or bad. It's a false distinction and a trap that only causes psychic pain.
Good things are constantly being born out of the seemingly bad, and vice versa. Often, it seems, it's just a matter of time until an event or decision from one category leads directly to one in the other.
In the case of the farmer and his horse: first he loses his most valuable possession, then it returns bringing a dozen new horses with it, then his son breaks his leg while taming one of the new horses, and then the son is spared from being conscripted into the army because of the broken leg.
The farmer, who neither celebrates nor decries these events. As he repeats in the story, "Who knows what's good or bad?"
Last week, as I watched and read about New Orleans 10 years after Katrina, it was impossible to miss a narrative: This is a city building toward a future that is an improvement over its past.
"We have data that shows before the storm, the high school graduation rate was 54%. Today, it's up to 73%. Before the storm, college enrollment was 37%.Today, it's almost 60%," President Barack Obama said. "We still have a long way to go, but that is real progress. New Orleans is coming back better and stronger."
The city's mayor, Mitch Landrieu, echoed that triumph: "We are not just rebuilding the city that we once were, but are creating the city that we always should have been."
Other cities learned lessons from the events of a decade ago and have created their own infrastructure projects to prevent another Katrina. Hurricane forecasting has improved a lifesaving 20% since Katrina because it sparked funding in new satellites and computer modeling technology. NPR even did a heartfelt story about a couple that fell in love because of Katrina. This is all "Who Knows What's Good or Bad."
No one would go so far as to say the deadly and devastating hurricane was good for the city or country.
I asked my neighbor, Jonathan Orr, about all this. He was a longtime resident of New Orleans, grew up in Louisiana and is a professor at Georgia State University and the coordinator of its mental health counseling program.
For him, the city has not recovered, and for most residents, especially black ones, things are demonstratively worse post-Katrina, not better-than-ever.
对他来说, 这个城市还没有恢复,对大多数居民,尤其是黑人来说,情况在卡特里娜飓风后明显更糟,而不是比以往任何时候都好。
This anniversary is "wrought with pain, loss, and grief" that may take generations to process, he wrote me in an e-mail.
New Orleans and Katrina is a story of "courage and resilience while also holding close the pain and grief" , Jonathan wrote.
Just understanding the story's meaning makes you feel wiser. Once you know it, you can start applying it to your past, present and projected future.