The red brittle star doesn't have eyes in the traditional sense. But this marine creature still is able to use vision to find its way through coral reefs thanks to what scientists call a "neat color-changing trick."
Photo: Lauren Sumner-Rooney
Related to sea stars and sea urchins, Ophiocoma wendtii lives in the bright reefs of the Caribbean Sea. Earlier, scientists discovered that this brittle star is covered in thousands of light-sensitive cells, but they weren't sure what they were for. New research, published in the journal Current Biology, suggests the brittle star uses its color-changing powers for vision.
For years, an international team of researchers has been conducting experiments to test the brittle star's "eyesight."
"These experiments gave us not only the first evidence that any brittle star is able to 'see', but only the second known example of vision in any animal lacking eyes," study co-author Lauren Sumner-Rooney, a research fellow at Oxford University Museum of Natural History, said in a news release.
In the experiments, the brittle stars look for areas of contrast. The researchers think that these contrasts in the wild may signify structures that could offer safety from predators.
The animals' vision is limited during the day and is nonexistent at night, researchers found.
"We were surprised to find that the responses we saw during the day disappeared in animals tested at night, yet the light-sensitive cells still seemed to be active," said Sumner-Rooney.
In their experiments, researchers compared O. wendtii to a close relative, Ophiocoma pumila, which is also covered in light sensors but doesn't change colors. The red brittle star turns red during the day, but becomes beige at night. The paler, non-color-changing species failed all the eye tests.
在他们的实验中,研究人员将O. wendtii与它的近亲pumila蛇昏迷进行了比较。红海蛇尾在白天变红,晚上变成米黄色。这种颜色较浅、不变色的物种没有通过所有的视力测试。
"It's a very exciting discovery," said Sumner-Rooney. "It had been suggested 30 years ago that changing colour might hold the key to light-sensitivity in Ophiocoma, so we're very happy to be able to fill in some of the gaps that remained and describe this new mechanism."