Laleh Mohmedi is putting most parents' lopsided Mickey Mouse pancakes to shame. The creator of Jacob's Food Diaries on Instagram began playing with food when her son, Jacob, was around 2 years old.
Laleh Mohmedi让大多数父母的不对称的米老鼠煎饼相形见绌。她的儿子雅各布(Jacob)两岁左右的时候,她就开始在Instagram上玩美食日记了。
Mohmedi's first creation for her son was a lion made out of spelt pancakes. (Photo: Laleh Mohmedi/Instagram)
Though her son wasn't a picky eater, Mohmedi enjoyed the bonding time with Jacob in the kitchen and showing him how healthy food doesn't have to be boring.
"In May of 2015 I decided to turn my son's spelt pancakes into a lion, he absolutely loved it and Jacob's Food Diaries was born," Mohmedi told Good Morning America.
Now young daughter Charlie Rose also enjoys her mom's culinary creations.
Though Mohmedi has no professional culinary or art background, she's garnered quite an online fan base, with more than 200,000 followers watching every delicious creation.
"When I first opened up an Instagram account, it was purely to inspire other parents to make healthy food fun and to be able to create magical moments with their children," Mohmedi told GMA.
Her success goes beyond just her kitchen, with big brands like Disney, Mattel and Nickelodeon lining up to collaborate.
Though it seems hard to believe, Mohmedi doesn't use any artificial food coloring in her masterpieces; rather, she relies on vegetables, blue spirulina or activate charcoal to dye her foods. And while her plate productions look like they take days to sculpt, she tells the Daily Mail Australia it only takes her 20-35 minutes, depending on the character.
Though she draws most of her inspiration from her children's favorite cartoon shows and movies, her artwork isn't just restricted to kiddie content.
Recent creations on her Instagram reveal a Halloween's Freddy Krueger molded out of mashed potatoes dyed with beetroot juice, and DC Comics' the Joker wearing a purple cabbage collar.
她最近在Instagram上展示的作品包括用甜菜根汁染色的土豆泥塑造的万圣节Freddy Krueger,以及DC漫画公司的《小丑》中戴着紫色卷心菜衣领的形象。
Sometimes her inspiration is sparked by a celebrity in the news or as an homage to a recently deceased public figure, as seen in Chanel's Karl Lagerfeld, decked out in eggplant shoulder pads.
Mohmedi's food art uses whatever ingredients happen to be in the refrigerator, with a focus on fruits, vegetables, wholemeal wraps and eggs. She urges other parents to get in on the fun, too, no matter how limited their artistic expressions may be.
"I look back at my first one and it was so simple and plain, but the kids don't know any better," she adds. "Jacob's excitement from the first one I made to the ones I make now is the same."