To be human is to want quick, easy fixes to what we perceive as our physical flaws. But great skin, like a toned physique or healthy hair, doesn't happen by using one magical product for a couple days — it takes time, effort and patience. As a natural-beauty product tester and writer, I've tried hundreds of products and am happy to share what works for me. It's a combination of products I buy and products I make —and some lifestyle must-haves.
Protecting skin from the elements can do some good, but preparing it well before you go outside will allow you to enjoy winter without worrying about your skin. (Photo: NinaMalyna/Shutterstock)
First, simplicity is key.
Over the years, I've realized that multi-product, multi-step skin care routines are not only expensive and time-consuming, they're incredibly difficult to keep up. So, think about what you will really do in your life. If that's just washing your face and getting out the door, that's OK. If you can do a little more than that, your skin will probably thank you for it.
On the outside
It's drying and stressful for facial skin to get doused with water directly from the showerhead, especially in winter when skin is already dry (Photo: Serhii Hromov/Shutterstock)
It's winter and I have drier skin (and most people's skin gets drier with age), so I opt for a moisturizing routine, which includes an oil-based wash.
If you wash your face in the shower, as I do, remember, don't stick your face right in the spray unless you lower the water temperature first. The hot water might feel good against your back, but it's too hot for your more delicate facial skin. Catching it in your hands and splashing it up will cool it a bit — and makes you feel like you're in a skin care commercial!
On the inside
Leave glasses of water scattered around the house and you'll end up drinking more of it. Weird, but it works. (Photo: sebra/Shutterstock)
Drink water, drink water, drink water. Drink seltzer. If you need a warm up during the colder season, drink herbal tea (sure, go for the ones that contain botanicals that help skin — they can't hurt). But however you do it, keeping your whole body hydrated will absolutely make your skin less dry, as moisture will be available to skin cells when they need it. Your moisturizer on top of your skin just keeps it in there.
A healthy diet (the more veggies you eat, the better for your skin‚ especially those with beta-carotene), regular heart-pumping exercise and good sleep are good-skin tricks that you've heard before.
Wear less (or no!) makeup
Makeup-free really works for me (L) and Alicia Keys (R). (Photo: Starre Vartan (L) and DFree (R)/Shutterstock)
I've found that quitting makeup has had a huge positive impact on my skin. It's less irritated, less spotty and less prone to whiteheads and blackheads. I was using all the best natural, organic makeup and there's still nothing better than no makeup, at least for me. (Not to mention the vicious cycle of wearing makeup to cover spots, which were likely caused by makeup.)
It's really, really hard to keep all your makeup as fresh as it should be, to keep all the bacteria off all your tools, etc. Old makeup and dirty tools irritate skin. I gave up makeup in my mid-30s and at 42 my skin is better than it was then. I blame the makeup. Save the full face for the holiday party and join me and Alicia Keys in putting our fresh faces forward.