Humanity is reaching the point of no return regarding ecology. Planting trees is a great solution, but it isn’t a one-size-fits-all deal given the immense complexity of the environmental issues we as a species face.
Plastic continues to be a huge problem. Not only does it take energy and other resources to produce, but also much of it ends up as waste in the various natural habitats around the globe. Bored Panda has already covered a perfect example of how much it affects our oceans with this diver’s first-hand experience with plastic waste in our oceans.
塑料仍然是一个大问题。它不仅需要能源和其他资源来生产,而且其中的大部分最终会在全球各地的各种自然栖息地变成废物。《Bored Panda》已经报道了一个关于塑料垃圾对海洋影响的完美案例。
Bored Panda reached out to SOAP Refill Station to comment on this new eco-friendly movement. SOAP Refill Station is a home and body care product retailer that aims to reduce single-use waste by letting customers refill the containers they bring to the store again and again.
Bored Panda联系了肥皂补给站来评论这个新的环保运动。香皂补给站是一家家居和身体护理产品零售商,旨在通过让顾客一次又一次地为他们带来的容器补充肥皂来减少一次性物品的使用。
A photo of this cleaning product refiller has recently surfaced & went viral on Reddit
Image credits: Lord-AG on Reddit
Dozens upon dozens of initiatives are already in place to reduce plastic use, including a washing machine product dispenser to encourage the reuse of plastic bottles. One such machine has been going viral recently.
Image credits: Místo Prodeje
Considering that annual plastic production tonnage is in the millions in the US alone—300 million to be precise—reusing a plastic container just once would diminish the effects of the plastic problem by half.
Croatia’s port city Rijeka is also home to such a machine, except it dispenses food products
Image credits: TheMayor.EU
Fun fact, the inventor of the plastic bag said that his invention is an eco-friendly response to using paper and cotton, as discussed in this Bored Panda article. However, many people got lazy and nearly all bags are therefore being reused less than the recommended 131 times.
By making plastic bottle reusability as accessible as just going to the store—which you will be going to anyway—will not only save you money but will also save the environment. And other establishments are getting on board with this idea.
Such machines have been around since 2010 with Martin Gagne’s laundry detergent machine being one of the first
Image credits: CBC
Croatia’s largest port city, Rijeka, is now home to its first plastic-free vending machine that offers anything from cooking oil, vinegar, cleaning supplies, and hygiene products.
You can even make your own shampoo refilling machine—there’s a tutorial for that
Image credits: Log GC
The idea is so good that there’s even a step-by-step guide on how to build your own shampoo dispenser using a Raspberry Pi 3 and a handful of building materials. A user by the name of Log GC has made one available to the general public on his Instructables account.
这个主意太棒了,甚至有一个循序渐进的指南,教你如何用树莓派3和一些建筑材料来制作自己的洗发水分配器。一个名为Log GC的用户已经在他的Instructables帐户上向公众提供了一个。
Be sure to check out SOAP Refill Station’s Instagram or visit the shop if you live in Springfield, Missouri, or the area.