The ocean sunfish or mola mola is doing its best to survive. However, Scout Burns made a now-viral Facebook post that said it shouldn’t even exist in the first place. In her rant, Burns explained why she believes the sunfish to be the world’s most useless creature, saying that, “God must have accidentally dropped while washing dishes one day and shrugged his shoulders at because no one could have imagined this would happen.”
太阳鱼或翻车鱼正在尽最大努力生存。然而,斯科特·伯恩斯(Scout Burns)在Facebook上发布了一条现在广为流传的帖子,称它根本就不应该存在。在她的咆哮中,伯恩斯解释了为什么她认为太阳鱼是世界上最没用的生物,她说:“上帝一定是在某一天洗碗的时候不小心掉了一地,然后耸耸肩,因为没有人能想象会发生这样的事情。”
Image credits: Daniel Botelho
As VICE pointed out, it’s understandable why someone would think so little of the sunfish. The mola mola has many nicknames — schwimmender kopf (“swimming head”) in German, putol (“cut short”) in the Philippines, and “toppled car fish” in Taiwan—belie its absurd reputation — and they’re not doing it any good, too. That last one is an especially accurate insult, since the mola mola grows to roughly the size and shape of a trash-compacted car.
Image credits: oceana
To explain this amusing text, Bored Panda contacted Andy Lister, a marine biologist from Lincolnshire, UK. Lister called the rant “fantastic” for its artistry, “It’s well thought through for the most part, but largely flawed.”
为了解释这段有趣的文字,Bored Panda联系了来自英国林肯郡的海洋生物学家安迪·李斯特。李斯特称这段视频的艺术性“非常棒”,“大部分都是经过深思熟虑的,但很大程度上是有缺陷的。”
“A lot of what Scout posted is accurate but her viewpoint on it all is somewhat biased against them,” the scientist said.”[But] apart from the fact that sunfish are decently powerful swimmers using those massive fins, it isn’t far off the mark at all.”
Image credits: bigchewp
According to Lister, the sunfish is actually pretty well suited to survive. “Jellyfish aren’t exactly motorized so it can eat its way through them pretty well. Coming to the surface to be cleaned by birds is actually pretty smart. Similar idea to the Rhinos and Oxpeckers. As much as they can get to 5,000 pounds too, it is very unlikely that will happen now. Similar to saying Humans can reach over 7 feet tall,” he explained.
Image credits: buceocatalunya_costabrava