Unless you know exactly what you're looking for, a trip to the yogurt section can be overwhelming. There are so many varieties, flavors and brands that you might be tempted to just grab something and run. But not all creamy dairy options are created equal. Here's a look at the good, the bad and the basics of this dairy staple.
The most popular flavor yogurt is strawberry. (Photo: Madele/Shutterstock)
History of yogurt
People have been eating yogurt for thousands of years. It originated from countries in Western Asia and the Middle East, and is a key part of the daily diet in many cultures, reports the Harvard School of Public Health. Researchers believe the word "yogurt" likely comes from the Turkish word "yoğurmak," which means to thicken or curdle.
There are stories of herdsmen who carried milk in pouches that were made of skins of animals. As they carried those sacs, the combination of natural enzymes in the pouches and body heat fermented the milk. The result was a thick, edible food that stayed fresh longer than milk.
Discovering yogurt's health benefits
As far back as 6000 B.C., there were references to the healthful properties of yogurt in Indian Ayurvedic scripts. But it wasn't until the start of the 20th century that researchers figured out why yogurt was beneficial.
Bulgarian medical student Stamen Grigorov brought a traditional clay pot — called a rukatka — filled with homemade yogurt to his lab in Geneva where he was studying, reports the BBC. He identified the bacteria — Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus — which caused the milk to ferment and become yogurt. The first was named in honor of his country. In fact, his hometown of Studen Izvor is home to the world's only yogurt museum.
据英国广播公司报道,保加利亚医科学生Stamen Grigorov将一个名为rukatka的传统陶罐带到了他在日内瓦的实验室,里面装满了自制的酸奶。他发现了导致牛奶发酵成酸奶的细菌——保加利亚乳杆菌和嗜热链球菌。第一个是以他的国家命名的。事实上,他的家乡Studen Izvor是世界上唯一一家酸奶博物馆的所在地。
Why yogurt is healthy
Greek yogurt has nearly twice the protein of traditional yogurt. (Photo: Kiian Oksana/Shutterstock)
Protein — Yogurt is rich in protein with about 11 grams for 8 ounces of low-fat traditional fruit yogurt and 18 grams for low-fat fruit Greek yogurt. Your body uses protein to build bones, skin, muscles, blood and cartilage. Getting enough protein also helps you feel full so you don't overeat.
Nutrients — Yogurt is full of the same nutrients found in other dairy foods: It's rich in calcium, which is important for building and maintaining healthy teeth and bones. Loading up on calcium can help protect against osteoporosis. Because calcium works best when paired with vitamin D, it's best to eat yogurt that's vitamin D-fortified.
Types of yogurt
The yogurt section of the dairy aisle is awfully crowded and can be very confusing. (Photo: garetsworkshop/Shutterstock)
Traditional yogurt — Made with milk, this unstrained yogurt is creamy and not as thick as some other types. It can come with or without fruit and in many flavors. Depending on the type of milk that was used to make it, traditional yogurt comes in regular, low-fat or no-fat varieties.
Greek yogurt — Strained to remove some liquid, Greek yogurt is thicker than traditional yogurt and often has nearly twice as much protein. It usually has less sugar and fewer carbohydrates and is often used in Mediterranean cooking.
Australian yogurt — Described as somewhere in between traditional and Greek yogurt, this Down Under dairy is cooked longer and slower than regular yogurt so it has a creamy, velvet texture. It's often sweetened with honey.
Icelandic yogurt — Also known as Skyr yogurt, this is the thickest and smoothest type available because it's strained four times. Described as a tangy yogurt, Skyr is low in fat and rich in protein and calcium.
Non-dairy yogurt — If you can't or don't want to eat dairy, there are options like almond, soy and coconut yogurts. They typically have textures similar to traditional yogurts, but often have added sugars.
Kefir — This fermented drink is high in protein, calcium, probiotics, vitamin D and other nutrients. It often has a tart, bubbly taste.