Time: is there ever enough of it? According to many harried adults out there, definitely not. A quick internet search on "time management tricks" will lead you down a dark rabbit hole that might, in turn, only make you feel you just wasted more time.
Are we really busier than ever? Or does it just feel that way? (Photo: Billion Photos/Shutterstock)
According to influential economist John Maynard Keynes, at this point in the 21st century, we should only be working a mere 15 hours a week. In 1930, he published a short essay, titled "Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren," in which he imagined what the world would look like in a hundred years. In it, he extolled the technological advancements of society and an ever-globalizing economy, and predicted that by 2030, not only would we work less, but we'd have everything we could ever need.
According to an Atlantic article by Derek Thompson on the "myth" of being busy: "We work less, both at the office and at home. Between 1965 and 2011, time spent on housework and childcare for women declined by 35 percent (or 15 hours each week), thanks to dishwashers, TVs, and other appliances that assist the work of stay-at-home parents." Studies show we spend considerably less time on work and chores than we used to, so why do we feel busier?
The article suggests that while modernity brought us convenience, it also brought us new headaches. Consider the notion of FOMO (fear of missing out). Thanks to social media and 24-hour news, we are constantly updated with new information, whether it's a friend's beach vacation or the latest political gaffe. Thompson writes, "Knowing exactly what we're missing out makes us feel guilty or anxious about the limits of our time and our capacity to use it effectively."
If every day feels like a battle for more time, you might want to rethink your priorities. (Photo: Hyejin Kang/Shutterstock)
Another thing technology has gifted us is the blurring between work and downtime. While constant connection has made the workday much more flexible and fluid, it's also harder to turn off at the end of the day. Always being "on" is an exhausting state of mind. Consider putting a hard stop on media and electronic devices an hour or two before bed.
Of course, working hard can have its pay-offs. If you want to move up the corporate ladder and get a bigger paycheck, working long hours has long been a favored tactic. But if you don't have passion for your job or care about what you do, you might just be working yourself into more misery.
Writer Josh Spector shared a study on Medium that found "people who work the same hours feel completely different levels of time pressure depending on their passion for their work." If most of the hours of your day are spent doing something you don't feel passionate about, it's no wonder you start to feel out of control and anxious about your time. Taking back control of your time, both physically and psychologically, can ease this mental stress. Writes Spector, "It sounds cliche, but your time management goal shouldn't be to figure out how to do more, but instead to figure out how to want less."
作家Josh Spector分享了一项关于媒体的研究,发现“工作时间相同的人会感到完全不同的时间压力,这取决于他们对工作的热情。”如果你一天中的大部分时间都花在了你不感兴趣的事情上,难怪你会开始感到失控,对自己的时间感到焦虑。重新控制你的时间,无论是身体上还是心理上,都可以缓解这种精神压力。Spector写道,“这听起来很老套,但是你的时间管理目标不应该是找出如何做得更多,而是找出如何想得更少。”
Though Keynes was sadly wrong about our projected 15-hour work week, he did dole out some timeless advice. People who could enjoy "the art of life itself," he wrote, would "be able to enjoy the abundance when it comes." We know that buying more stuff doesn't make us happier, so why do we insist on working longer hours to continue these acts of consumption? Take a note from the Italians and try practicing dolce far niente, a philosophy that literally means the sweetness of doing nothing. You might find that the more time you take for yourself, the more you'll be able to give to others.
尽管凯恩斯对我们每周工作15小时的预测是错误的,但他确实提出了一些永恒的建议。他写道,那些能够享受“生活艺术本身”的人,将“能够在丰盛降临时享受它”。我们知道买更多的东西不会让我们更快乐,那么为什么我们要坚持工作更长时间来继续这些消费行为呢?不妨学学意大利人的做法,试试“dolce far niente”,这是一种哲学,字面上的意思是什么都不做的甜蜜。你可能会发现,你为自己花的时间越多,你就能给别人更多的时间。