And that’s what we’ll talk about today: Externality.
When making the claim that free, unregulated markets maximize the amount of value created for a society, e conomists either implicitly or explicitly assume that the actions and choices of producers and consumers in a market don't have any spillover effects onto third parties who are not directly involved in the market as a producer or a consumer.
When this assumption is taken away, it no longer has to be the case that unregulated markets are value-maximizing, so it's important to understand these spillover effects and their impacts on economic value.
E conomists call effects on those not involved in a market externalities, and externalities vary along two dimensions.
First, externalities can be either negative or positive. Not surprisingly, negative externalities impose spillover costs on otherwise uninvolved parties, and positive externalities confer spillover benefits on otherwise uninvolved parties.
Second, externalities can be either on production or consumption. In the case of an externality on production, the spillover effects occur when a product is physically produced. In the case of an externality on consumption, the spillover effects occur when a product is consumed.
Combining these two dimensions gives four possibilities:
Negative Externalities on Production & Positive Externalities on Production
Negative externalities on production occur when producing an item imposes a cost on those not directly involved in producing or consuming the item.
For example, factory pollution is the quintessential negative externality on production, since the costs of pollution are felt by everyone and not just those who are producing and consuming the products that are causing the pollution.
Negative Externalities on Consumption & Positive Externalities on Consumption
Negative externalities on consumption occur when consuming an item actually imposes a cost on others.
For example, the market for cigarettes.
Because the presence of externalities makes unregulated markets inefficient, externalities can be viewed as a type of market failure.
This market failure, at a fundamental level, arises because of a violation of the notion of well-defined property rights, which is in fact a requirement for free markets to function efficiently.
This violation of property rights occurs because there is no clear ownership of air, water, open spaces, and so on, even though society is affected by what happens to such entities.
When negative externalities are present, taxes can actually make markets more efficient for society.
When positive externalities are present, subsidies can make markets more efficient for society.