The most successful individuals place great importance to continuously achieve personal growth and development. Despite already being at the pinnacle of their career, they still make the time in their busy schedule to endlessly push themselves out of the comfort zones and to unlock even more of their inner potential.
Taking the first step is always the hardest part of the process, but persevering is definitely harder. But do not worry, we have got you covered.
Discover the 8 simple tips to keep the momentum going for you to continuously achieve personal growth:
1. Grow at Your Own Pace at Something You’re Passionate About
To begin, think of your interests and passions. Try to recall your childhood memories. What did you love to do as a child? Bill Gates once said that you’re likely to excel at something that you were obsessed with when you were 12 – 18 years old.
首先,想想你的兴趣和爱好。试着回忆你的童年记忆。你小时候喜欢做什么?比尔·盖茨曾经说过,你可能会在你12 - 18岁的时候痴迷的事情上表现出色。
2. Make Use of Curiosity to Cultivate Soft Skills
Soft skills are just as important as hard skills. In fact, you need to cultivate soft skills not only to shine at your workplace, but also to become a better human being.
The answer is to be curious of everything! The next time that someone tells you that they can no longer cope with something, before you formulate your response, be curious and put yourself in their situation.
3. Kaizen Approach: Aim for 1% Progress, Not Perfection
ersonal growth is a lifelong process. Sure, being a perfectionist to a certain extent may have its place, but overdoing it and you may risk doing a disservice to yourself and the people around you, as in the case of the creative genius, Steve Jobs.
4. Start a Journal and Track Daily Habits
The simplest habit tracker is in the form of a table, where you list down all of the activities that you want to track on the left-side column and have the days of the week in the following columns. Remember to be specific when listing the activity. For example, “Drink 2 liters of water” is better than “Drink water”.
5. Boost ‘Happy’ Neurotransmitters
It is important to always be proud of how far you’ve come along. After all, Rome was not built in a day, and there is no such thing as an overnight success.
6. Get the Social Support You Need
Make it a point to cut out toxic friends and surround yourself with the ones that cherish your small victories. Sometimes, knowing someone is rooting for your success can be a good enough reason to persevere. A social support will catalyze your growth and make your journey a little bit easier.
7. Find Happiness in the Little Things
Writing one line of gratitude per day trains you to find happiness in the little things even if it seems like nothing good is happening now. Whether it is the good traffic and weather, a compliment from your boss, a delicious lunch or affection from your cats, the small happenings that you tend to miss out are worth to be thankful for.
8. Emphasize on Self-Care
Self-care is about being disciplined in nourishing your body and your mind. This includes eating right to ensure that your macro nutrient and micro nutrient intakes are as per recommended, and getting enough quality sleep at night.
Design the journey that suits you. You can seek for inspiration from others but remember to appreciate your own journey.
Be kind to yourself as you embark on the quest towards your personal growth and development. After all, it is a lifelong journey.