A police officer. An astronaut. Kids consider all kinds of cool careers. However, this might be a job that adults would line up for. Recently, Imgurian roguerpi created a post about their friend: “When I met Joan, I didn’t know what she did for a living,” they wrote. “Apparently, her day job is managing all of Bob Ross’ collected works, and staffing an 800 number for people who want to call and talk about Bob.”
一名警官,一个宇航员,孩子们考虑各种各样很酷的职业。然而,这可能是一个成年人会排队的工作。最近,Imgurian roguerpi发布了一个关于他们朋友的帖子:“当我遇到Joan的时候,我不知道她是做什么的,”他们写道。“显然,她的日常工作是管理鲍勃·罗斯(Bob Ross)的所有作品集,并为那些想打电话谈论鲍勃的人安排800个电话号码。”
Needless to say, the post went viral. However, the first exhibit of original Bob Ross paintings on the East Coast is just as popular. In fact, it’s doing so good, the organizers, Franklin Park Performing and Visual Arts Center in Purcellville, Virginia, even had to release additional tickets.
“[Joan] recently donated some of his art to the Smithsonian, but it’s unclear when they’ll put it on display. So she had a show at the local park in their small studio.”
“We watched a documentary for an hour before there was room to enter the actual show.”
This exhibit, presented in partnership with Bob Ross Inc., offers a rare opportunity to view original works created by the famous artist during his long-running series on public television. It is also the first time his collection will be on public display on the East Coast.
这次展览是与鲍勃·罗斯公司(Bob Ross Inc.)合作举办的,提供了一个难得的机会来欣赏这位著名艺术家在他的长时间公共电视节目中创作的原创作品。这也是他的藏品首次在东海岸公开展出。
Ross started painting as a young man after he was transferred to Alaska while serving in the Air Force. Having grown up in Florida, he was mesmerized by the snow, mountains and breathtaking nature scenes, all of which would become favorite features in his paintings.
Even though Ross later returned to Florida, he frequently visited Bob Ross Inc. headquarters in Northern Virginia for business meetings. He said he enjoyed antiquing and often found himself in Purcellville, searching through the many treasures of western Loudoun. “It’s quite poetic that his first major exhibit would be in Purcellville,” Joan Kowalski, President, Bob Ross Inc., said.
图片来源:Denis Tymulis