Earth is a big place, but size isn't everything. The planet's richest ecosystems are in rapid decline, forcing us to acknowledge the elephant in the room: Elephants, along with countless other creatures worldwide, are running out of room.
A young lion looks toward the Nairobi skyline from Nairobi National Park in Kenya. (Photo: Tony Karumba/AFP/Getty Images)
Like climate change, mass extinction is a global problem. It threatens wildlife all over the world, from iconic rhinos, lions and pandas to obscure amphibians, shellfish and songbirds. And while it will take lots of local efforts to save those animals, it will also take a bigger, more ambitious approach than we've used in the past.
According to many scientists and conservationists, our best strategy is surprisingly simple — at least in theory. To avoid a catastrophic loss of biodiversity, we need to set aside half of Earth's surface area for wildlife. That might sound like a big sacrifice at first, but upon closer inspection, it's still an incredibly sweet deal for us: One species gets half the planet, and all other species must share the other half.
The Amazon rainforest spans 40% of South America and hosts one in 10 of Earth's known species. (Photo: Shutterstock)
Half an Earth is better than none
Today, protected areas cover about 15% of Earth's land area and 3% of its oceans, according to the U.N. Environment Program. Raising that to 50% would be no small feat, but it's not like we'd need to start from scratch. We would, however, need to move a little more quickly than we have so far.
根据联合国环境规划署(U.N. Environment Program)的数据,如今,保护区覆盖了地球陆地面积的15%,海洋面积的3%。将这一比例提高到50%将是一个不小的成就,但我们并不需要从零开始。然而,我们需要比目前更快地采取行动。
A gray heron wades through reeds at a 100-acre urban wetland in London. (Photo: Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)
Missing forests for trees
About 60% of the U.S. Southeast was once longleaf pine forest, for example, which spanned 90 million acres from modern-day Virginia to Texas. After 300 years of land change for timber, agriculture and urban development, less than 3% of the region's signature ecosystem is left. A lot of biodiversity still persists in its remaining pockets — including up to 140 plant species per square kilometer — but large animals like Florida panthers and black bears are frequently killed by road traffic as they try to improvise their own makeshift wildlife corridors.
A sign in Everglades National Park warns motorists to watch for Florida panthers. (Photo: Everglades NPS)
Because ecosystems are so interwoven, the loss of one species can start a horrible chain reaction. When the American chestnut tree was driven to near extinction 100 years ago by an invasive Asian fungus, Wilson notes, "seven moth species whose caterpillars depended on its vegetation vanished, and the last of the passenger pigeons plunged to extinction." Similarly, the modern decline of monarch butterflies is largely linked to the decline of milkweed, on which their larvae rely for food.
Even for urban-adapted birds, air pollution and climate change can pose grave threats. (Photo: Frederic Brown/Getty Images)
How the other half lives
Although we need to think bigger about habitat conservation, preserving tracts of wilderness is still a local struggle. If we set aside enough half-yards, half-towns, half-nations and half-regions for nature, Half-Earth should start to take care of itself.
Half-Earth, therefore, isn't so different from today's Earth. We're already doing many of the right things, as Wilson recently told the University of California-Berkeley's "Breakthroughs" magazine. We still have a few big biodiversity zones left, and others that could still recover. We just need to protect as many wilderness areas as we can, fill in gaps wherever possible and do no further harm.