While most reports of a precipitous decline in an animal population are met with dismay, news of decreased sightings of the lionfish in some places is reason for optimism.
Lionfish can be cooked like any other fish, as long as the poisonous spines are removed first. (Photo: Kjeld Friis/Shutterstock)
With its vivid candy stripes and incredible fringed, flowing fins, the football-sized lionfish is a beautiful creature to behold; Pterois volitans is also a fast-growing voracious eater that reproduces year-round. And it has no known predators in the eastern Atlantic and Caribbean, where it has taken up residence since the early 2000s, some believe as the result of people releasing the popular aquarium fish into coastal waters.
Jamaica was the first to come up with a solution, launching a campaign to decrease the population of lionfish in an effort to preserve regional reefs suffering from the species’ taste for native juvenile fish and crustaceans. Jamaica's National Environment and Planning Agency revealed a 66 percent drop in sightings of lionfish in coastal waters with depths of 75 feet, ABC News reported at the time.
牙买加是第一个提出解决方案的国家,发起了一项减少狮子鱼数量的运动,以保护因狮子鱼对本地幼鱼和甲壳类动物的口味而遭受损失的区域珊瑚礁。据美国广播公司(ABC)当时的报道,牙买加国家环境与规划局(National Environment and Planning Agency)披露,在75英尺(约合15米)深的沿海水域,狮子鱼的目击量下降了66%。
This success and others have spawned copycat behavior in the United States and across the Caribbean — all focused on catching and eating lionfish.
In fact, Florida's Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) isn't just encouraging the practice of catching lionfish; they'll pay you for it, according to the Miami Herald. Fishermen can earn up to $5,000 for "harvesting" and photographing at least 25 fish. It's part of the Lionfish Challenge, an ongoing push to rid the state's waters of the invasive species with a series of events that run through mid-October.
If you can't beat 'em, eat 'em
One of the most successful methods of catching lionfish is also the simplest: Spearing them. (Photo: Drew McArthur/Shutterstock)
Dayne Buddo, a marine ecologist who focuses on marine invaders at the Caribbean island's University of the West Indies, believes Jamaica's decline in lionfish is due to changing attitudes about the fish by local fisherman. Although those multiple flowing dorsal fins are exquisite to look at, they pack a powerful punch of venom. Buddo said that in the past, Jamaican fishermen had been hesitant to deal with the pain-inducing fish. However, now the species has become a popular food item.
海洋生态学家达恩·布多(Dayne Buddo)在这个加勒比海岛屿的西印度群岛大学(University of the West Indies)专门研究海洋入侵者。虽然这些流动的背鳍看起来很精致,但它们含有强大的毒液。布多说,过去,牙买加渔民一直不愿处理这种会引起疼痛的鱼。然而,现在这个物种已经成为一种受欢迎的食物。
As it turns out, the spines are easily removed and cooking neutralizes the poison; plus, they taste good. The white flesh of the fish is said to be similar in flavor to certain snappers and groupers.
In regions where they've become a problem, governments, conservation groups and even dive shops have been holding fishing tournaments and other promotions to try to make a dent in the crisis. Even the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) launched a campaign urging the public to "eat sustainable, eat lionfish!"
Generally we'd bemoan the idea of eating an animal population into oblivion, but for the lionfish, and other invasive species of its ilk, conservation gastronomy may be the most effective solution. Other dwindling species are spared the fate of the plate, ecosystems are preserved, and people still get to eat.