Why are some countries making a vaccine U-turn?
More than a century before Facebook, anti-vaccination campaigners had another method for spreading their message -- an eye-catching march through town with tiny children's coffins emblazoned with the words: "Another victim of vaccination."
The year was 1885, and smallpox vaccinations were compulsory in the UK -- reportedly inciting 100,000 people to demonstrate in the city of Leicester, England, one sunny March day.
"Vaccination is one of the most cost-effective ways of avoiding disease -- it currently prevents 2-3 million deaths a year, and a further 1.5 million could be avoided if global coverage of vaccinations improved," WHO said.
Italy's vaccination U-turn
Last August, Italy's populist government shocked the scientific and medical community after it removed mandatory vaccination for schoolchildren.
The ANSA news agency reported that League leader and Interior Minister Matteo Salvini said in June 2018 the 10 obligatory vaccinations -- which include measles, tetanus and polio -- were "useless , if not harmful."
The law was first introduced by the Democratic Party a month earlier, amid an ongoing outbreak of measles that saw 5,004 cases reported in 2017 -- the second-highest figure in Europe after Romania -- according to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.
Italy accounted for 34% of all measles cases reported by countries in the European Economic Area, the center said.
Debunked 'science'
Experts believe that the most modern anti-vaccination movement was reinvigorated by a paper published in 1998 in the respected Lancet journal by former British doctor and researcher Andrew Wakefield. It suggested a connection between the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine and the development of autism in young children.
The claims have since been debunked, and the Lancet retracted the article 12 years later -- its editor called it "utterly false." But the repercussions had already rocked previously vaccine-wary communities on both sides of the Atlantic.
The amplification of a message
The rise -- and diversification -- of social media platforms has catapulted anti-vaccination rhetoric into the mainstream.
David R. Curry, executive director of the Center for Vaccine Ethics and Policy, told CNN that vaccine hesitancy, or anti-vaccine initiatives, have been increasingly able to use no cost and highly effective social media platforms to spread their message.
"The challenges we see is that we do not have an effective properly resourced set of counter measures to address that threat and we see that as a major problem," he added.
Now, critics are calling on tech companies such as Facebook, YouTube and Google to take more responsibility of the public health disruptions occurring on their platforms, arguing that social media can't willfully ignore taking meaningful responsibility for the content on their sites.