Laura and Brayden Faganello may seem like an ordinary couple who just got engaged. However, those who are close to them already know that their story is far from ordinary. Since they met and fell in love three years ago, the pair has proven that some people are meant to be together and they cannot be separated by time, distance or even… memory loss.
Recently, Laura Faganello announced her engagement explaining why she’s marrying her husband Brayden again
In 2016, Laura met Brayden for the first time and fell in love with him. Nearly three years after that, Laura found herself in a situation where she had no idea who Brayden even was. The couple had married the same year they met and 9 months after tying the knot, tragedy struck, putting their relationship on the line.
“A local wedding design/coordinator company hired me for the day to help set up an event. We were outside decorating the big event tent, but the company was running late and didn’t have the tent walls up. The wind was insane that day, everything was flying everywhere and shattering. Because everything was running late, there wasn’t a lot of care put into the safety measures. I was tasked with decorating the tables, so as I was arranging that I heard a gasp from the girls facing me. I looked up, and then heard (and definitely felt!) a loud thump on my head. A large pole (one that took two ladies to set up as it was so heavy and tall) had dislodged in the wind and fell right onto my head. My last clear thought was “that isn’t good….” After that, everything went fuzzy,” Laura told Bored Panda.
“当地一家婚礼设计/协调公司当天雇了我来帮忙筹备一个活动。我们在外面装饰大帐篷,但是公司迟到了,没有把帐篷的墙竖起来。那天风太大了,到处都是东西,到处都是碎片。因为一切都晚了,在安全措施上并没有投入太多的精力。我的任务是装饰桌子,所以当我正在整理的时候,我听到对面的女孩们倒抽了一口气。我抬头一看,然后听到(而且确实感觉到)我的头被重重地撞了一下。一根很大的杆子(由于又重又高,需要两位女士才能竖起来)被风刮断了,正好落在我的头上。我最后一个清晰的想法是“这不好……“从那以后,一切都变得模糊了,”劳拉告诉Bored Panda。
The horrific accident had extreme consequences. Laura woke up with only lasting memories of when she was 17 years old. All memories of meeting, falling in love and marrying Brayden were completely gone.
Being married to a complete stranger took its toll on Laura, however, the strong woman refused to give up on her marriage. So, she decided to try to fall in love with him again.
It took over two years for Laura to recover from the accident. And despite the fact that it tremendously changed her life, she didn’t give up and made the best of it. She fell in love with the same man she loved before, and even though her memories didn’t magically come back, she made new ones. “I started to love him again. The process took a while, but it was so incredibly worth it.”
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图片来源:Andželika Jasevičiūtė