There are many ways to keep away the blistering heat of summer. Some people (like me) eat copious amounts of delicious, chocolate ice cream. Others try to drink plenty of water, fan themselves, and stay in the shade. But sometimes it gets so hot that all we want to do is to jump into a refrigerator for a bit until we stop melting. As it turns out, human beings aren’t the only ones who want to do this.
Meet Tali the cat who loves staying in the fridge. That’s right. In the fridge. Yes, I know, it’s very strange but it’s also very… cool. Every time Tali’s owner Christine opens the fridge, the feline jumps right in. One time, Christine accidentally shut the cat inside. But worry not! The cat didn’t get hurt. After Christine couldn’t find her cat, she quickly realized what she must have done, and found Tali chillin’ inside the fridge, as happy as can be. Read on and enjoy Bored Panda’s interview with Tali’s owner!
来认识一下喜欢呆在冰箱里的猫塔利。这是正确的。在冰箱里。是的,我知道,这很奇怪,但也很……酷。每次塔利的主人克里斯汀打开冰箱,这只猫就会跳进去。有一次,克里斯汀不小心把猫关在了里面。但不要担心!猫没有受伤。克里斯汀找不到她的猫后,她很快意识到她一定做了什么,她发现塔莉在冰箱里发冷,非常高兴。继续读下去,享受Bored Panda对塔利主人的采访吧!
However, that’s not the only weird behavior this particular cat exhibits. Tali the fridge cat also has an unusual love of water. According to Christine, she was showering one time when her cat jumped in alongside her and splashed around. One time wasn’t enough, however, so Tali kept jumping in and out. She’s a really strange cat but in a wonderful way.
Tali’s owner Christine told Bored Panda more about the feline: “Tali is a 4-year-old barn cat, and we don’t know her entire breed, but we do know she’s half Maine Coon. She’s always been a water cat and absolutely loves sitting in the running shower and lounging in dripping sinks, but the fridge was a short-lived adventure”
塔莉的主人克里斯汀告诉Bored Panda关于这只猫的更多信息:“塔莉是一只4岁的谷仓猫,我们不知道它的全部品种,但我们知道它有缅因猫的一半血统。她一直都是一只水猫,绝对喜欢坐在淋浴间里,懒洋洋地躺在滴水的水槽里,但冰箱只是一次短暂的冒险。”
“I think she simply jumped in for the same reasons most cats would — to get into a place they’re not supposed to be,” explained the owner. “She’s now a very large and fluffy cat and couldn’t fit in the fridge very easily, but she really hasn’t tried in years. She’s content lounging in sinks these days, demanding we turn on the faucet for her!”
I racked my brain and came up with a few alternate theories (apart from the heat) that could explain Tali’s behavior. She might like enclosed spaces. She might think she’s playing a game with her owner. Or she may have realized the fridge is where all the food is, so it’s only logical to stay there. As it turns out, there are plenty of other cats besides Tali who love sitting in fridges. So it’s less of a peculiarity and more of a catspiracy.
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