We parents have heard all the stories about how anxious American children are, how they arrive at adulthood with hefty résumés but little sense of purpose,.
Children need freedom, yes, but they also need us, their ostensibly wiser guardians, to pay attention to their particular needs and help them meet them. This is clearly the case with children with physical or mental disabilities or emotional disorders. But it can be a bit harder to navigate when a child is gifted.
Should we leave these children alone with their gifts and talents, allowing them to pursue their interests on their own terms? Or should we intervene?
Gifted children have needs
Islas recommends a little-by-little approach when challenging gifted children and says children do best when there is someone to coach them through new ideas and concepts. For every child, there's a sweet spot or an optimal growth zone, depending on their knowledge and abilities. Push them too much or too little, and they won't learn.
Don't tell them they are special
Kids can be celebrated for their passion, their grit, their dedication. But don't emphasize how unique or brilliant they are, explained Sylvia Rimm, child psychologist and author of a number of books on gifted education. Children can easily metabolize that type of praise as pressure and raise the bar on themselves.
孩子们可以因他们的激情、勇气和奉献精神而受到赞扬。但儿童心理学家、多本天才教育书籍的作者西尔维娅•里姆(Sylvia Rimm)解释说,不要强调他们有多么独特或聪明。孩子们很容易将这种赞美转化为压力,提高对自己的要求。
Feeling like the belong with other kids won't just help their social lives, it will make it more likely that they achieve long-term success. Collaboration is key to most achievements, and the child who learns to listen to and make use of other people's ideas is more likely to have his or her ideas realized in the future.
There is an old jewish story about a rabbi who taught his students that there were always two pockets, each filled with a different message.In one of these pockets should be the words: "the world was created because of me."In the second pocket another sentence said: "all things are dust, let alone dust within dust."This is a general lesson, and one that may be especially useful for any young person who is told that he or she is "special."