How early should you get to the airport before your flight? Sure, the official line is two hours for domestic travel and three hours for international, but we all have our own airport timing strategy.
Go to the airport early. You'll thank me
David G. Allan, CNN's Editorial Director for Features (including Travel), lives in Atlanta -- home to the country's busiest airport. If you spot a 40-something-year-old man sitting at a gate there happily writing in his journal, reading a good book or writing a piece for his column The Wisdom Project, it's probably him.
Don't we have enough stress in our lives than to manufacture extra, for no reason?
When I'm cutting it close to making a flight -- as we've all experience at one point, either by design or unforeseen circumstances -- every segment between home and the boarding gate is maddening.
Uber drivers, security lines, airport transportation , they unwittingly keep me from making my flight.
Rage starts with the time you leave for the airport.
By contrast, whenever I can manage to give myself plenty of time, I actually enjoy going to the airport. I bring reading material for any waiting. I am the patron saint of security checkpoints, benevolently allowing latecomers to go ahead of me and speaking kindly to the overworked, underpaid security staff who keep us all safe. As I make my way to the gate, I listen to music or a favorite podcast if I'm traveling alone.
NYC-based Senior Editor Stacey Lastoe appreciates having three major airport options near her home in Brooklyn but likes to get in and out of them as quickly as possible. If she has five minutes to spare before boarding, she enjoys refilling her reusable water bottle and texting her husband to let him know she made it on time.
纽约资深编辑斯泰西•拉斯托(Stacey Lastoe)很高兴自己在布鲁克林的家附近有三个主要的机场以供选择,但她喜欢尽可能快的进出机场。如果她在登机前还有五分钟的空闲时间,她喜欢给可重复使用的水瓶加满水,并给丈夫发短信,让他知道她按时到了。
I operate always with a pretty strong sense of urgency. As such, large group outings or tours rattle me.
And showing up early at the airport generally means time to kill, which means money to spend. I understand the guidelines of arriving three hours before an international flight and two hours before a domestic one, and I think it's nonsense.
Uninterested in wandering aimlessly around JFK or LGA (my home airports) hours before takeoff, I'd much rather give my cab driver firm instructions on how much hustle he or she needs to put into the drive from Brooklyn to Queens, based on what time my flight is leaving.
An eight-time marathoner who has literally run thousands of miles in my lifetime, I can, if necessary, deftly weave through the crowds and random moving vehicle to make it to the gate before the door closes. As my favorite running instructor says during particularly grueling parts of the workout: "It feels good to run fast!"