Air pollution is harmful to the environment and our bodies: There’s the risk of respiratory diseases, fatigue and headaches, anxiety, cardiovascular damage, harm to reproductive organs, damage to the liver, spleen, blood and even the nervous system, according to Active Sustainability.
空气污染对环境和我们的身体都是有害的:根据Active Sustainability的说法,存在呼吸系统疾病、疲劳和头痛、焦虑、心血管损伤、生殖器官损害、肝脏、脾脏、血液甚至神经系统受损的风险。
Several studies show that long-term exposure to air pollution can have lifelong health repercussions like dementia and autism. (Photo: testing/Shutterstock.com)
Lung damage may seem obvious, but there are also a number of ways pollution harms our health that aren't as well known.
Pollution and intelligence
When we think of the toll air pollution takes on our health, we usually think about it in terms of its physical impact. But, studies have shown that this goes beyond physical health; our cognitive skills can be affected as well.
Pollution and dementia
One study showed that people who live near major highways are more prone to developing Alzheimer's later in life. (Photo: Tom Wang/Shutterstock)
Researchers in the United Kingdom discovered that air pollution can potentially raise dementia risks by 40%, according to a study published in the BMJ Open.
Pollution, mortality rates and mental disorders
A thick blanket of smog covers Manila. (Photo: Jay Directo/AFP/Getty Images)
A study conducted by Hong King Polytechnic University, revealed that those with mental and behavioral disorders have a higher chance of dying on days when air pollution reaches extreme heights, The Guardian reports. The research was published in Environmental International.
Pollution and mental illness in children and adolescents
Children may be more prone to psychiatric disorders than adults from exposure to air pollution. (Photo: Soloviova Liudmyla/Shutterstock)
Researchers looked at the medical records of 500,000 Swedes under the age of 18 and found that more children and adolescents living in areas where air pollution was higher were prescribed drugs such as anti-psychotics and sedatives for various psychiatric disorders.
Pollution and autism in children
A child could be twice as likely to develop autism if he is born to a mother exposed to high levels of particulate matter during her pregnancy — especially during the third trimester of the pregnancy.
Pollution and the development of babies' brains
Air pollution can even affects a baby's brain development as particulates enter the baby's bloodstream and travels to the brain. (Photo: Oksana Kuzmina/Shutterstock)
In 2017, UNICEF published a report which found that 17 million babies under the age of 1 living in South Asia are breathing in toxic air, which can cause a hindrance to their brain development, reports India Today.