Loving Vincent, which came out on Dec 8 in Chinese mainland cinemas, is the world’s first hand-painted animated movie.
Directed by British animator Hugh Welchman and Polish painter Dorota Kobiela, the movie tells the story of the final months of Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890). The story is told through more than 130 of the artist’s greatest paintings and the characters from them.
The film invited 125 painters to create the animation, which uses 12 oil paintings per second. If a character turns their head, the head and shoulders will be taken off the main painting and redrawn to show movement.
Simulating Van Gogh’s recognizable brushstrokes was important. So the 125 painters spent a lot of time in the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, studying the application of the paint, the drying times and the texture of Van Gogh’s artworks. Their aim was to interpret his style, Welchman and Kobiela told The Independent.
In fact, people can easily understand how the artist was feeling at the time just by looking at his paintings. For example, in his most popular painting The Starry Night, Van Gogh expressed his anger and pain with strong, long brushstrokes.
Using hundreds of letters written by the painter to write the movie’s storyline, Welchman and Kobiela believed that Van Gogh’s unconfirmed last days were where Loving Vincent’s focus should lie.“The thing that was dramatic for me was that in his last seven months … he’d sold his first painting for a decent sum of money. His work was finally being appreciated by the painters around him,” Welchman told The Independent. “It was obvious that he was going to succeed. It was a matter of time. It just seems so tragic.”
But as Van Gogh wrote in his last letter: “The truth is, we cannot speak other than by our paintings.” This is what Loving Vincent does – it lets his works tell the story of what he had inside his heart, and what happened to him in the end.
但正如梵高在他最后的书信中所写的那样:“事实上,我们只能通过画作发声,别无他法。”这正是《至爱梵高·星空之谜》所做的 —— 它让梵高的画作讲述了他内心的故事,以及他最后的经历。