Why Mosquitoes Prefer Some People Over Others
“The phenomenon does exist, and you can demonstrate that scientifically,” James Logan, head of the Department of Disease Control at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, said of the insects’ apparent preference for some people. “You can also show that’s due to body odor.”
“这种现象确实存在,可以通过科学证实,”伦敦卫生和热带医学院(London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine)疾病控制系主任詹姆斯·洛根(James Logan)说,这种昆虫显然偏爱某些人群。“还可以看到是因为体味。”
Mosquitoes hunt using all of their senses, but smell is a predominant factor. A higher metabolism, higher body temperature and more sweat make you more likely to be bitten. But a person’s scent is just one element. Mosquitoes are attracted to the lactic acid your body produces, the carbon dioxide you exhale and the natural bacteria that live on your skin.
“The good news is that these people smell normal, so they smell like a human being,” Professor Logan said. “The bad news is that they will probably always be that level of attractiveness.”
Professor Logan and his team are studying the genetic reasons for this attraction, as well as natural repellents produced by people’s bodies.
“If we identify the genes that control the production of natural repellents and susceptibility to mosquitoes, we can develop a drug that would keep mosquitoes away rather than putting DEET on,” he said.
Keep Mosquitoes at Bay Before They Bite
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend using a repellent registered by the Environmental Protection Agency. The most popular and accessible form of E.P.A.-approved repellent is DEET, short for N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide.
疾病预防与控制中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)推荐使用经国家环保局(Environmental Protection Agency,简称EPA)认证的驱蚊剂。最受欢迎、也最容易买到的EPA认证驱蚊剂是待乙妥(DEET)——“N,N-二乙基间甲苯酰胺”的缩写。
You shouldn’t be fooled by higher DEET concentrations on repellent bottles, however. Unlike the SPF rating in sunscreens, higher concentrations of DEET don’t mean more protection. Instead, the higher the percentage of DEET in a repellent, the longer it will be effective before you have to reapply.
Janet McAllister, a research entomologist for the C.D.C.’s division of vector-borne diseases in Fort Collins, Colo., recommends visiting the E.P.A.’s repellent-finder website to choose the right one for your needs.
科罗拉多州柯林斯堡的疾控中心媒传疾病部门昆虫学家珍妮特·麦卡利斯特(Janet McAllister)建议使用者访问EPA的驱蚊剂网站,根据自身需要选择合适的产品。
“If you’re going to be outdoors for eight hours, you might want to try a higher concentration repellent, but if you’re only outdoors gardening for maybe an hour or two, you could use a lower concentration,” Dr. McAllister said.
And those citronella candles — do they work?
“No,” Dr. McAllister said, “not unless you’re standing directly over the candle. It’s the smoke that repels them, not the citronella.”
“They’re very hard to fool,” she added. “Even if you’re standing next to a mosquito trap, they can still tell a live animal from not.”
Leigh Krietsch Boerner, science editor for The Wirecutter and The Sweethome, product review websites owned by The New York Times, recommends a “dry” insect repellent spray with 25 percent DEET.
《纽约时报》旗下的产品测评网站Wirecutter和The Sweethome的科学编辑利·克里奇·伯尔纳(Leigh Krietsch Boerner)推荐使用待乙妥含量为25%的一种“干性”驱虫喷雾剂。
“We don’t recommend using higher than 30 percent of DEET for anything,” Ms. Boerner said. She and The Sweethome team tested how different repellents dried, smelled and felt on the skin. They applied some to fabric to make sure it dried quickly, didn’t leave residue and didn’t stain clothing.
“我们不建议使用待乙妥含量超过30%的任何产品,”伯尔纳说。她和The Sweethome的团队测试了不同种类驱蚊剂残留在皮肤上的干燥物,以及它们的气味和感觉。他们还使用一些服装面料,测试驱虫剂是否会很快干燥、是否有残留物,是否会给衣服染色。
Dry versions typically spray on lightly and contain a small amount of cornstarch, which leaves your skin feeling dry after application and avoids that oily sensation that comes with other repellent sprays. The downside to dry sprays, however, is that cornstarch (or talc, in some sprays) can leave a white powder on clothing, but it can be easily brushed off, Ms. Boerner said.
Dr. Mark Fradin, a clinical associate professor of dermatology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, has studied the efficacy of repellents. He recommends a three-pronged approach to prevention: avoid mosquitoes’ natural habitat, apply repellent to skin and apply repellent to clothing.
北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校皮肤科临床副教授马克·弗雷丁(Mark Fradin)博士研究了驱蚊剂的功效。他建议采取三管齐下的预防措施:避免去蚊子的自然栖息地,在皮肤上喷洒驱蚊剂,并在衣服上也喷洒驱蚊剂。
Similarly, when you’re applying repellent, don’t skimp. Many people treat it as if it has a “cloaking effect,” and that won’t protect you at all.
“A dot behind each ear or on each wrist will not set up a force field,” Dr. Fradin said. “If you skip a one-inch swath, they’ll find it.”
If you’re uncomfortable using DEET, Dr. Fradin recommends using two other repellents recommended by the C.D.C.: picaridin and lemon eucalyptus oil.
Treat Bites the Right Way
Even with preparation, you’re likely to get at least a few bites over the course of the summer, especially if you’re more prone to bites than others. When it comes to treatment, Dr. Fradin recommends ice, a low-potency hydrocortisone and simple patience.
“We try to dissuade people from using a topical Benadryl cream because of the risk of sensitivity or reaction,” he said. He also recommends staying away from caladryl and calamine lotions for the same reason. Many turn to them to alleviate itching, but these may be better options for skin irritation from something like poison ivy.
“I don’t think caladryl does much for insect bites,” Dr. Fradin said.
Should you have an intense reaction to a mosquito (or other insect) bite, prescription-strength steroids may be needed, and you should consult your doctor. You should try not to scratch, and instead gently tap the area around the bite to alleviate itching. After that, you just have to wait it out. Dr. Fradin offered one crumb of comfort.
“It will eventually stop itching,” he said.