This was the show that changed the very concept of cartoons in Western society. Before it appeared, cartoons were considered a way to learn and have fun, not serious adult entertainment. The Simpsons changed this. The genius of the show is that it has something to offer both adults and children.
It’s a hugely entertaining program that’s also full of satire and clever humor. A remark by Chitra Ramaswamy in The Guardian gave a sense of the esteem in which The Simpsons is held: “Nothing before or since has matched its capacity to be at once so profoundly clever and so unbelievably stupid.”
The show’s creator Matt Groening, and the brilliant team that works with him, make fun of the US government, social customs, and of course, the idea of family life. But unlike most classic US prime-time TV characters, the Simpsons are a dysfunctional family.
Bart, the boy, is always in trouble – both at home and at school. That may be in part because of his paternal example. Homer Simpson, perhaps the most iconic character, is a beer-swilling, overweight slob who is normally found in front of the TV. And Marge, Homer’s wife and the mother of the family, spends most of her time cooking, cleaning or trying to fix the messes that Bart and Homer make.
家中的男孩巴特总是在惹麻烦 —— 无论是在家里还是学校。在某种程度上,这或许是他跟着父亲有样学样的关系。荷马·辛普森大概是(剧中)最具标志性的人物,是个通常坐在电视机前喝着啤酒、体重超标的懒汉。荷马的妻子、家中的妈妈玛吉绝大多数时间都在下厨、打扫或者试图收拾巴特和荷马的烂摊子。
The smartest member of the family is daughter Lisa, who excels at school but is no goody-goody – Lisa never misses an opportunity to challenge authority. The youngest member of the family is baby Maggie, who will likely be as much of a handful as her brother and sister when she grows up – if she ever grows up, that is.
这个家中最聪明的成员是女儿丽萨,她在校表现出色却并不懂得讨好卖乖 —— 丽萨从不错过任何一个挑战权威的机会。家中最小的成员是婴儿玛姬,她在长大之后很有可能像他哥哥姐姐那样难以管教 —— 要是她长大的话,绝对会是这样。
But although the Simpsons are a problem family, viewers are always on their side. One of the reasons the show has remained so popular all these years is that the characters are so likeable. Millions of us identify with them. They are a working class family struggling to make ends meet. They aren’t perfect, but then, who is? And after 30 years, this is still what strikes a chord with millions of viewers worldwide.