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10 Awesome Beaches around the World




Picking the 10 most awesome beaches in the world is like picking the best star in the Milky Way. But that didn’t stop us from trying. So for the sea and sun worshipers here is our list of the most awesome beaches in the world.


10.Navagio Beach Navagio海滩



Navagio Beach is an isolated sandy cove on Zakynthos island only accessible by boat. It is one of the trademark beaches in Greece, frequently featured on postcards. Navagio Beach is home to the wreck of an alleged smuggler and features sheer limestone cliffs, white sandy beaches, and clear blue water. No wonder this stunning beach attracts thousands of tourists every year.


9.The Baths The Baths海滩



The Baths are situated at the southern tip of Virgin Gorda, the third largest island of the British Virgin Islands. Huge granite boulders lie in piles on the beach, forming spectacular tunnels and grottoes that are open to the sea and flood at high tide. The sandy beaches are lined with tropical palms, adding to the dramatic effect.

The Baths位于维尔京戈达,第三大岛英属维尔京群岛南端。巨大的花岗岩巨石堆在海滩上,形成面朝大海壮观的隧道和山洞。沙滩上成排的热带棕榈树,为这个海滩增色不少。




Tapuaetai (One Foot Island) is a small islet in the Aitutaki atoll of the Cook Islands. It offers the visitor some great views of the Aitutaki lagoon and depending on the tide one is able to walk on a sandbank a decent distance away from Tapuaetai. The beach was awarded “Australasia’s Leading Beach” at the World Travel Awards held in Sydney in June 2008.


7.Zlatni Rat 尖角海滩



Zlatni Rat (Golden Cape) is among Europe’s most famous beaches and one of the top tourist attractions in Croatia. Situated near the city of Bol on the southern coast of the island of Brac, Zlatni Rat is a narrow white pebble beach. The amazing shape of the beach shifts with the changes in tide, currents and wind. In 2009, it was named as one of the top ten best beaches in the world by Lonely Planet.


6.Oludeniz Trunk Olüdeniz海滩



Ölüdeniz is a small village located on the south west coast of Turkey on the Aegean Sea. It has a secluded sandy bay at the mouth of Ölüdeniz, on a blue lagoon. This beach is famous for its shades of turquoise and remains one of the most photographed beaches on the Mediterranean. Ölüdeniz is also regarded as one of the best places in the world to paraglide due to its unique panoramic views.


5.Trunk Bay Trunk Bay海滩



Trunk Bay is a National Park beach on St. John in the United States Virgin Islands. Rated as one the world’s most beautiful beaches by the National Geographic Society it attracts hordes of cruise ship passengers. Amenities on the beach include a snack bar, showers and restrooms, a lifeguard, and, most famously, an underwater trail for snorkeling its coral reef.

Trunk Bay位于隶属于美属维尔京群岛的圣约翰岛上,它是国家公园。它被国家地理学会评为世界上最美丽的海滩,每天吸引着大量的游客、游船来访。岛上的设施包括小吃店、卫生间救生员和淋浴站,以及最为出名的水下珊瑚礁下潜路径。

4.Maya Bay 玛雅湾海滩



Maya Bay is a shallow bay surrounded by a ring of steep limestone hills on Koh Phi Phi Leh, the second largest island of the Phi Phi Islands. The bay has superb marine life and is a favorite spot for divers. Maya Bay became world famous after the 2000 movie The Beach was filmed there and today many tourists come to Koh Phi Phi just to see this beach.


3.Whitehaven Beach 怀特黑沙滩海滩



Whitehaven Beach is located on Whitsunday Island, the largest island in the Whitsunday group. The beach is almost 6 km long and consists of a very fine white sand that is 98% pure silica. The sand is in fact so pure that is has been used in the construction of the lens for the Hubble telescope. At the northern end of Whitehaven Beach is Hill Inlet, a beautiful cove where the tide shifts the sand and water to create a beautiful fusion of colors.


2.Tulum 图伦海滩



Tulum is situated on the east coast of the Yucatán Peninsula. It once served as the major port of the Mayan city of Coba. Tulum was built around 1200 AD when the Mayan civilization was already in decline and therefore lacks the elegance of some other famous sites. The tropical beach backdrop however makes this one of the top tourist attractions in Mexico that is a heaven for the photographer or artist.


1.Anse Source D'Argent Anse Source D'Argent海滩



Anse Source D’Argent is located on La Digue, one of the smaller islands of the Seychelles. It is one of the most photographed beaches in the world and featured in countless travel magazines. One of the world’s top beaches, Anse Source D’Argent contains a winning combination of large granite boulders studding the coastline, coupled with pink sand beaches and coconut palms.

Anse Source D'Argent位于隶属于塞舌尔群岛的一座小岛之上。它是被摄影家门拍摄次数最多的海滩之一,并登上过无数的旅游杂志的封面。它是世界上最美丽的海滩,海岸线上巨大的花岗石,粉红色的沙子,椰子树等等构成了一副绝美的人间天堂的画面。


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