This neglected area just south of Taiwan’s biggest airport could use a complete makeover. And that is exactly what the local government has in mind. Described as the biggest development project in Taiwan’s history, the multibillion-dollar Taoyuan Aerotropolis promises, in a video with a saccharine violin and harp soundtrack, a futuristic utopia of eco-friendly homes and thousands of technology jobs.
Investors are welcome, and on Sept. 8, one arrived, a Taiwanese-American woman named Chen Siting, or Charlyne Chen. She claimed to represent a very prominent businessman: Donald J. Trump. She had been referred to the Taoyuan mayor by Annette Lu, a former vice president of Taiwan, the mayor’s office said in a statement on its website. Ms. Lu, like the mayor and the country’s current president, belongs to the governing Democratic Progressive Party.
这里很欢迎投资者。9月8日就来了一位名叫陈思婷(Chen Siting,音),又名夏琳·陈(Charlyne Chen)的台湾裔美国投资人。她声称自己代表一位非常著名的商人:唐纳德·J·特朗普(Donald J. Trump)。桃园市长办公室网站上的一项声明称,她还被前台湾副总统吕秀莲引见给了桃园市市长。吕和桃园市市长以及现任台湾总统一样,都属于执政党民进党。
“I told them: Isn’t Mr. Trump campaigning for president? Isn’t he very busy?” the mayor, Cheng Wen-tsan, said in a television interview that aired on Nov. 18, referring to Ms. Chen’s group. “They said she is a company representative. His company is still continuing to look for the world’s best real estate projects, and they very much understand Taiwan.”
“She had authorization documents issued by the Trump company,” he said, without specifying.
The mayor’s office, in a Nov. 16 statement, said that although investment opportunities had been discussed, the meeting had not resulted in any agreement and that the election had not been talked about. The mayor’s office did not respond to a request for comment for this article.
On Friday, Amanda Miller, a spokeswoman for the Trump Organization, said that there were “no plans for expansion into Taiwan” and that there had been no “authorized visits” to Taiwan to push for a development project.
周五,特朗普集团(Trump Organization)的发言人阿曼达·米勒(Amanda Miller)表示,“没有向台湾扩张的计划”,没有“授权过”任何前往台湾推进开发项目的活动。
Asked on Sunday for clarification about the company’s relationship with Ms. Chen and knowledge of her activity in Taiwan, Ms. Miller did not respond to specific questions. She instead repeated in a statement that there had been “no authorized visits to Taiwan on behalf of our brand for the purposes of development, nor are there any active conversations.”
The Sept. 8 meeting, and its confirmation in November, went largely unnoticed outside Taiwan until Friday, when Mr. Trump, the president-elect, received a congratulatory phone call from the island’s president, Tsai Ing-wen. The call is believed to have been the first conversation between a Taiwanese leader and a United States president or president-elect in close to four decades, and it threatens to upend the delicate United States-China relationship because Beijing views any communication with Taiwan’s leaders as an affront to its claim of sovereignty over the island.
And even if it emerges that Ms. Chen was largely freelancing, and not acting on behalf of the Trump Organization, the perception of a possible business conflict in Taiwan further complicates the three-way relationship.
Possible conflicts of interest for Mr. Trump as president have been documented around the world, including in Scotland, India, Brazil, the Philippines, Argentina and Turkey. But perhaps nowhere are the stakes quite as high as in Taiwan, because it involves ties between the United States and China, the countries with the world’s biggest economies and most powerful militaries.
“Even if the phone call had not happened, once these business dealings came to light it would send a very confusing signal to Beijing,” said Marc Lanteigne, a senior research fellow at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs who focuses on Chinese security issues.
“就算他们没有通话,一旦这些商业交易被曝光,将会向北京释放非常含混不清的信号,”挪威国际事务研究所(Norwegian Institute of International Affairs)专门研究中国安全问题的高级研究员兰马克(Marc Lanteigne)说。
The business ties may undermine the near certainty that world leaders have had for many decades about some of the basic foundations of United States foreign policy, which has included the primacy of maintaining ties with China in a “very narrow framework,” said Shelley Rigger, a professor of political science at Davidson College in North Carolina who studies Taiwan-United States relations.
北卡罗来纳州戴维森学院(Davidson College)研究台湾美国关系的政治学教授任雪丽(Shelley Rigger)称,这些商业联系可能会损害世界领导人数十年来对美国外交政策基本原则的一些近乎确定的看法,包括在一个“很窄的框架内”保持与中国的联系这一首要原则。
“It is very worrisome not just for leaders in China but for leaders everywhere to think that there could be motivations driving U.S. foreign policy that they can’t, A, know about and, B, work out logically,” Professor Rigger said by telephone. “If the U.S. government is being influenced by some kind of parallel set of side deals and interests that are not the sort of mainstream U.S. foreign policy and national interest agenda, then no one is going to be able to predict anything.”
Adding to the complexity is the fact that the Taoyuan Aerotropolis is a government-run development project, and Ms. Tsai’s administration must give final approval for the complex plan, which involves removing many people from their homes, before construction can begin. Taoyuan is the center of a metropolitan area with over two million residents.
Ms. Chen, who according to online biographies of her was raised in Las Vegas, has been associated with the Trump Organization for several years, and with Ms. Lu, the former vice president, for much longer. In December 2012, a photograph of the two women was posted on the Facebook page of the condominium sales arm of Trump International Realty in Las Vegas, thanking them for visiting. Ms. Chen also accompanied Ms. Lu, who was then the vice president, during a trip to Las Vegas in 2004.
据陈思婷的网上简历,她在拉斯维加斯长大,与特朗普集团往来多年,不过她与台湾前副总统吕秀莲的关系可以追溯到更久之前。2012年12月,这两位女士的合影发布在拉斯维加斯特朗普国际地产公司(Trump International Realty)公寓销售分部的Facebook网页上。2004年,陈思婷还陪同时任副总统的吕秀莲参观拉斯维加斯。
“The Trump Organization said: ‘Hey, Ms. Chen, your business and politics connections seem great. Do you want to help us promote our Las Vegas properties?’” Ms. Chen said in an interview with a Taiwanese television station in late October, before she took part in a fund-raiser in Taipei for Mr. Trump on Nov. 1.
Ms. Lu, reached on her mobile phone, did not comment. Ms. Chen could not be reached for comment. In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Ms. Chen said she had a letter saying she was a “sales ambassador” for Mr. Trump’s company but was not an employee.
我们通过吕秀莲的手机联系到了她,但她没有做出评论。我们联系不上陈思婷。陈在接受《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)采访时表示,她有一封信,上面说她是特朗普公司的“销售大使”,但不是员工。
Ms. Chen’s visit was followed in October by a work-related visit to Taipei by a Trump Organization employee, which the company does not dispute. The duties of the executive, Anne-Marie Donoghue, include trying to find guests for the company’s hotels worldwide.
在陈的访问之后,今年10月,特朗普集团的一名雇员对台北进行了一次与工作相关的访问,对此该公司没有表示异议。这名高管安-玛丽·多诺休(Anne-Marie Donoghue)的任务包括为该公司在世界各地的酒店招揽宾客。
Ms. Donoghue, who is not part of the company’s development team, did not respond to requests for comment. Ms. Miller of the Trump Organization would not specify with whom she met during her visit to Taiwan.
Ms. Chen, who once headed Nevada’s economic development office in Taiwan, has been outspoken about her admiration for Mr. Trump, though it is unclear how much is self-promotion.
“The election demonized Trump,” she said in the late-October television interview. “But in my experience and close interactions with him, he is very nice, has great bearing, has a very good head for business and really respects women.”