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Will Donald Trump benefit the enraged white working class that brought him into the White House? To answer this, one must examine his plans and the desires of congressional Republicans. One must also consider how these plans might affect the world economy. The conclusion is straightforward: some people will indeed benefit but the white working class will not be among them. Republicans have long stoked rage they do not assuage. Mr Trump has taken this approach in new directions.

唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)会造福将他送入白宫的愤怒的白人劳动阶层吗?若要回答这个问题,必须考察一下他的计划和共和党国会议员的意愿。还必须考虑这些计划可能如何影响世界经济。结论很简单:有些人确实会受益,但白人劳动阶层不在其列。长期以来,共和党人一直在煽动愤怒,却没有做什么来平息他们煽动起来的怒火。特朗普用新的方式延续了这一传统。

Huge, permanent and regressive tax cuts seem the one certainty. It is something on which Mr Trump and congressional Republicans agree. The revised Trump plan would reduce the top individual income tax rate to 33 per cent and the corporate tax rate to 15 per cent. It would also eliminate the estate tax. The highest-income taxpayers — 0.1 per cent of the population, those with incomes over $3.7m in 2016 dollars — would receive an average cut of more than 14 per cent of after-tax income. The poorest fifth’s taxes would fall by an average of 0.8 per cent of taxed income. To those who hath, it shall be given.


Mr Trump (much less so the congressional Republicans) plans to increase infrastructure spending. This is desirable, though it would have made even more sense if Republicans had supported such a programme in the midst of the Great Recession. But as noted by Lawrence Summers, former US Treasury secretary, the Trump plan relies mainly on private investment. Experience elsewhere suggests this often leads to exploitation of taxpayers and a failure to put into effect public investments that deliver high social benefits but have limited commercial returns.

特朗普计划增加基础设施支出(共和党国会议员这样做的意愿低得多)。这是可取的,不过,要是共和党人在大衰退(Great Recession)期间曾支持这样的计划,那会更合理。但正如美国前财长劳伦斯•萨默斯(Lawrence Summers)所说,特朗普的计划主要依靠私人投资。其他地区的经验表明,这往往导致对纳税人的剥削,并让创造很高社会效益但商业回报有限的公共投资无法实现。

The net effect of these plans would be a large rise in fiscal deficits. Calculations by the Tax Policy Center at the Brookings think-tank suggest that by 2020 the deficit would increase by 3 per cent of gross domestic product. With current forecasts as the baseline and ignoring any additional spending, this would mean a deficit of around 5.5 per cent of GDP in 2020. Cumulatively, the increase in federal debt by 2026 might be 25 per cent of GDP. 这些计划的最终后果将是财政赤字的大幅增加。智库布鲁金斯学会(Brookings)税收政策中心(Tax Policy Center)的测算表明,到2020年,赤字增幅将相当于国内生产总值(GDP)的3%。以目前预测为起点,并忽略任何额外支出,这意味着到2020年赤字将相当于GDP的5.5%左右。累计下来,到2026年联邦债务的增加额或许将相当于GDP的25%。

Congressional Republicans such as Paul Ryan would surely demand matching cuts in spending. Annual federal outlays are close to 20 per cent of GDP. Spending on health, income support, social security, defence and net interest absorbed 88 per cent of this in 2015. Elimination of spending on all else (a catastrophic mistake) would merely halve the prospective deficit. In sum, the plan’s logic leads towards either big increases in federal debt relative to GDP or sharp cuts in spending on programmes on which Mr Trump’s supporters depend.

保罗•瑞安(Paul Ryan)等共和党国会议员,肯定会要求以同等程度削减支出。年度联邦支出接近GDP的20%。在2015年,医疗、收入补助、社会保障、国防和净利息支出占到总支出的88%。取消所有其他支出(一个灾难性的错误)仅仅将令预期赤字减半。总而言之,依照逻辑推断,特朗普的计划要么会导致联邦债务相对于GDP的比例大幅增长,要么会导致特朗普的支持者们所依赖的种种计划的开支遭到大幅削减。

The envisaged rise in US fiscal deficits would however be expansionary, even though the concentration of the cuts on the wealthiest would limit this effect. Still, a jump in US fiscal deficits would accelerate rises in US short-term interest rates. Mr Trump could hardly complain since he has attacked the Federal Reserve’s low rates. Yet, as Desmond Lachman of the American Enterprise Institute notes, the world economy is fragile. A swift rise in US interest rates might destabilise it.

然而,美国财政赤字预计中的上升将有助于经济扩张,尽管减税主要针对最富裕人群将削弱这一效果。然而,美国财政赤字猛增将加速美国短期利率的上升。特朗普很难抱怨什么,因为他一直抨击美联储的低利率。然而,正如美国企业研究所(American Enterprise Institute)的德斯蒙德•拉赫曼(Desmond Lachman)所说,世界经济是脆弱的。美国利率的迅速上升可能会破坏世界经济稳定。

Furthermore, the combination of fiscal loosening with monetary tightening would mean a stronger dollar and a rising current account deficit in the medium term. The US would re-emerge as the global buyer of last resort, so helping the world’s structural mercantilists: China, Germany and Japan. A strong dollar and rising external deficits would, as in the early 1980s, increase protectionist pressures — Ronald Reagan’s administration was quite protectionist in its first term. The decision to launch the Uruguay round of multilateral trade negotiations to liberalise world trade was then the response. This time, however, a strong dollar would reinforce the bias towards protectionism of the Trump administration. But protection against imports would raise the currency’s value further, shifting the adjustment on to unprotected sectors — above all, on to competitive exporters. In all, a strong dollar must weaken the manufacturing Mr Trump seeks to help.

此外,宽财政与紧货币相结合意味着,中期内美元会走强,经常账户赤字会上升。美国将重新成为全球最后购买人,从而有利于世界上的结构性重商主义国家:中国、德国和日本。正如20世纪80年代初那样,强势的美元和不断攀升的外部赤字会增加实行贸易保护主义的压力——头一届罗纳德•里根(Ronald Reagan)政府的保护主义倾向就相当强烈。当时的回应是,决定启动乌拉圭回合多边贸易谈判、以推动世界贸易自由化。然而,这一次,强势美元将强化特朗普政府对保护主义的偏好。但不利于进口的保护主义措施将进一步推高美元汇率,将调整传递到不受保护的部门那里——尤其是有竞争力的出口商那里。总而言之,强势美元肯定会削弱特朗普试图帮助的制造业。

A likely response would be to cajole the Fed into slowing monetary tightening. Janet Yellen’s term as Fed chair expires in 2018. Her successor could be told that the 4 per cent growth mentioned by Mr Trump has to be attained. The last time such growth was achieved over a five-year period was before the crash of 2000 — an ominous warning. If the Fed tried to achieve this goal, it might trigger inflation, financial instability or, more likely, both. In all this there seem to be few, if any, gains for Mr Trump’s working-class supporters.

一个可能的对策将是劝诱美联储放慢货币紧缩进程。珍妮特•耶伦(Janet Yellen)的美联储主席任期将于2018年届满。她的继任者可能被告知,特朗普提出的4%的增长率必须实现。上一次持续五年实现这样的增长率,发生在2000年崩盘之前——这是一个不祥的警告。如果美联储试图实现这一目标,或许会引发通货膨胀、金融不稳定,或者更可能的是,同时引发这两种情况。这一切,似乎都对特朗普的劳动阶层支持者们好处不大、甚至毫无好处。

The president-elect has also promised to eliminate Obamacare and most environmental and financial regulations. It is hard to believe any of this would succour the prospects of the working class. They are more likely to suffer from even worse health cover, a dirtier environment, more predatory behaviour by financial institutions and, at worst, even another financial crisis. Protectionism, too, will fail to help most of his supporters . Many depend on cheap imported goods. Many would be badly hurt by the dire results of a tit-for-tat global trade war. Meanwhile, rapidly rising productivity would still ensure a steady fall in the share of manufacturing in US employment, despite protection.


Mr Trump promises a burst of infrastructure spending, regressive tax cuts, protectionism, cuts in federal spending and radical deregulation. A big rise in infrastructure spending would indeed help construction workers. But little else in these plans would help the working class. Overall, his plans might indeed generate a brief economic surge. But the longer-term consequences are likely to be grim, not least for his angry, but fooled, supporters. Next time, they might be even angrier. Where that might lead is terrifying.



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