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History can veer off course. It happened in 1914 when the first age of globalisation was consumed in the flames of the Great War; and again during the 1930s when economic hardship, protectionism and nationalism nurtured the rise of fascism in Europe. Donald Trump’s election victory heralds another of these dangerous dislocations.

历史可能偏离正轨。1914年第一波全球化被世界大战的烈火吞噬的时候,历史偏离了正轨;上世纪30年代经济凋敝、保护主义和民族主义盛行,助推欧洲法西斯主义兴起,历史再次偏离了正轨。唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)胜选预示着历史又一次面临这种危险的偏离。

It may well be that America is resilient and self-sufficient enough to survive a Trump presidency. The founding fathers of the republic foresaw the dangers of populist passions. James Madison set the first objective of the constitution as to “break and control the violence of faction”. For Madison “faction” was the power of any group “united and actuated by some common impulse of passion” to seize power at the expense of fellow citizens. The constitution’s intricate checks and balances are there to block the path to such tyranny.

美国很可能因具有足够的适应性和自给自足能力而安然度过特朗普担任总统的几年。美国的开国之父们预见到了民粹主义高涨的危险。詹姆斯•麦迪逊(James Madison)将宪法的第一个目标确定为“打破和控制派系的暴力”。在麦迪逊来看,“派系”是任何“被某种共同感情或利益驱动而团结在一起”、以牺牲其他公民权利为代价来攥取权力的团体。宪法精心设计了制衡措施来阻止此类暴政。

Rereading this week Federalist No 10, perhaps the most celebrated of what became known as the Federalist Papers, it is obvious that Madison had Mr Trump in mind when he wrote about the need to safeguard the union from domestic insurrection. The president-elect has said he wants to muzzle the media, torture prisoners, lock out Muslims, expel millions of migrants, build a wall against Mexico and cosy up to to Russia’s Vladimir Putin. Lauded by white supremacists, Mr Trump won the prize by disinterring the demons of race.

近日我重读了《联邦党人文集》第十篇(Federalist No 10),这或许是《联邦党人文集》中最著名的一章。显然麦迪逊在写道有必要保护联邦不受国内叛乱危害的时候想到了特朗普之类的人物。这位美国侯任总统表示,他要压制媒体、对犯人严刑拷打,禁止穆斯林入境、驱逐数百万移民,在美墨边境建造隔离墙以及亲近俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)。特朗普获得了白人至上主义者的赞扬,他通过发掘出种族恶魔而成功问鼎白宫。

And yet. Madison’s careful distribution of authority between the three branches of the federal government should check the president’s worst excesses. A strong judiciary creates a firewall against arbitrary rule. Military chiefs will refuse to break the laws against torture. There is a safety catch on the nuclear trigger. Republican-dominated it may be, but the new Congress will surely resist an advance to presidential autocracy. And, yes, given his character, temperament and unfamiliarity with truth, it is always possible that things will end badly for Mr Trump.


But America’s tragedy — and how else can one describe the passage to the White House of someone whose politics are so boastfully rooted in prejudice and hate — is also the west’s tragedy.


The liberal international order has rested not simply on economic vitality and military strength. It has been anchored by a set of values whose appeal is universal. Freedom, the rule of law, human dignity, tolerance, pluralist institutions: these are all now scorned by the president-elect of the world’s most powerful nation. Liberal democracy itself is thus delegitimised.


Whatever the course of US politics, the damage inflicted on the alliance of nations that has shaped the world since 1945 is irreparable. Few of the Madisonian checks and balances apply to the conduct of diplomacy and foreign policy. Barack Obama, as much as any other president, has shown how America’s place in the world is a choice made by the occupant of the Oval Office.

无论美国政治进程如何,自1945年以来塑造全球秩序的国家联盟所遭受的损害将是无法修复的。麦迪逊的制衡措施很少适用于外交行为和外交政策。巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)和其他总统一样,表明了美国在世界上的地位由白宫主人的选择来决定。

The US-designed global system has been unravelling for some time. It will not survive the withdrawal of American leadership. The financial crash of 2008, income stagnation, austerity and disenchantment with free trade has buried the liberal economic consensus. Now Mr Trump has pledged to dismantle the political pillars of the old order.


“America First” promotes belligerent isolationism — an approach to international order rooted in power rather than the rule of law. The narrowest interpretation of national interest takes precedence over broader considerations of international security.


Mr Trump is content to preside over the dissolution of the US alliance system, leaving Europe vulnerable to Mr Putin’s revanchism and East Asia to the ambitions of an assertive China. Japan and South Korea, he has suggested, may want to build their own nuclear weapons. We can be sure that, if he keeps a promise to abrogate the international nuclear deal with Iran, then Tehran will soon enough build its own bomb.


Other democracies face their own populist insurrections. Demagogues across Europe have been lauding Mr Trump’s success. Marine Le Pen, the leader of France’s xenophobic National Front, hopes to emulate him in next year’s contest for the Elysée Palace. Hungary and Poland have fallen into the arms of far-right nativism. Britain’s vote in June to leave the EU in significant part was an expression of angry English nationalism.

其他民主国家内部也出现了民粹主义的反叛。欧洲各地的煽动者赞扬特朗普的成功。法国仇外的国民阵线(National Front)的领袖马琳•勒庞(Marine Le Pen)希望在明年的总统大选中能效仿特朗普获胜。匈牙利和波兰投入极右翼本土主义的麾下。英国在今年6月投票决定退出欧盟,这在很大程度上是愤怒的英国民族主义的表达。

Mr Trump goes further by repudiating the basic, organising idea of the west: the notion that the world’s richest democracies can oversee a fair and inclusive rules-based system to underwrite global peace and security. Co-operative internationalism is to be replaced by competitive nationalism.


So the dangers will now come thick and fast. How much of a free Europe can survive the withdrawal of the US security umbrella? Will Russia be allowed to restore its influence over formerly communist states in eastern and central Europe? Will rising states in the east and south now look to authoritarianism rather than democracy as a model for their societies? Who will keep the peace in the East and South China seas? How safe or stable is a world organised around the interests of, and conflicts between, a handful of great powers?


America will spurn eventually the lethal concoction of nativism and protectionism that won Mr Trump this election. But the west has lost its guardian, and democracy its champion.



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