When it comes to the fascination with exotic species, the ancient Egyptians seem to have got there first. Archaeologists working at a cemetery in Hierakonpolis, a thriving city by the Nile in the fourth millennium BC, have uncovered a zoo’s worth of skeletons of baboons, hippopotamuses, leopards, elephants and crocodiles. These were not pampered pets; the remains reveal scars from beatings and broken bones from tethering.
The rather cruel menageries of old have given way to modern zoos that prioritise conservation and welfare — but the propriety of keeping non-human primates in captivity is being questioned anew. Last week, London Zoo went into lockdown when a male gorilla escaped his enclosure. Kumbuka, a western lowland silverback, had managed to reach a secure keepers’ area and was tranquillised before being returned to his domain. Visitors later said he had seemed agitated beforehand.
It is a happier ending than that enjoyed by Harambe, a gorilla at Cincinnati Zoo, who was shot dead in May after a young boy fell into his enclosure. There are, incidentally, two earlier cases where gorillas have protected children in similar circumstances.
In the two latest incidents, both zoos acted appropriately — which is to say, in the public interest. And that, really, is the trouble with zoos: they are primarily for public interest. They educate, inform and inspire us about animals — we learn what they look like in the flesh and perhaps become more motivated to protect the natural world — but those worthy functions feel peripheral to the business of entertainment. How thrilling to gaze into the eyes of a gorilla and to see its almost humanlike temperament, with its stares, frowns and sulks.
Sometimes, though, that thrill seems uncomfortably close to voyeurism. Sir David Attenborough, the British naturalist and film-maker, suggested this week that visitors should observe these sensitive animals through peepholes in an effort to preserve their privacy.
然而有时候,这种震撼似乎很不妥地接近于偷窥。英国自然主义者和电影制作人戴维·阿滕伯勒爵士(Sir David Attenborough)最近建议,游客应该通过窥视孔来观察这些敏感的动物,以此来保护它们的隐私感。
Gorillas — which are critically endangered because of habitat loss, the bushmeat trade and diseases such as Ebola — remind us, through their eerily familiar expressions, that we share an evolutionary kinship. Gorillas and humans belong to the order of primates, encompassing lemurs, monkeys and apes; DNA analysis suggests we last shared an ancestor about 10m years ago.
Chimpanzees are our closest relatives, with gorillas next in line; they can count and use tools, and appear to experience a range of emotions. This has, rightly, led to a reduction in their use in scientific experiments; Jane Goodall, the renowned primatologist, has renewed her call for such experiments to be banned completely. A recent, albeit failed, attempt to ascribe personhood to pet chimps, and fresh Californian laws against the use of killer whales for entertainment, also shows how our attitudes towards other species are evolving.
黑猩猩(Chimpanzees)是我们人类最近的“亲戚”,大猩猩紧随其后;它们会计数和使用工具,而且似乎还能体验一系列的情感。这正确地减少了它们在科学实验中的使用;著名的灵长类动物学家简·古多尔(Jane Goodall)再度呼吁彻底禁止这样的实验。最近一个使宠物黑猩猩拥有人格的尝试(尽管失败了),以及加利福尼亚最新颁布的禁止使用杀人鲸供人娱乐的法律,都表明了我们对其他物种的态度正在如何演变。
And that is why keeping gorillas in zoos feels like an outdated practice. It may well be that these sanctuaries offer some insurance against extinction — but habitat protection has proved a better option for saving mountain gorillas.
It is true that zoos offer those without money or the inclination to travel an opportunity to see beautiful animals first hand. But what, exactly, entitles us to this privilege? Moreover, no matter how well-designed the enclosure, zoos are unnatural settings likely to elicit unnatural behaviours. Sir David’s outstanding natural history films are arguably more educational. Soon, virtual reality may provide a more authentic experience than watching a stressed-out gorilla banging on a zoo window.
For me, the most compelling reason to visit a zoo is that the admission price funds conservation in the wild. It is an upfront, if mercenary, transaction: a visitor pays to be entertained and the captive primates pay an uncertain price in return.