Tough times don’t last. Tough people do. This too shall past.Live one day at a time.
(“艰难的时光不会太久。坚强的人才能挺到最后。一切都会过去的。一天一步慢慢来。”Elementary 第一季第十一集)
That’s the tricky thing about labels. Once in a while, they tell us everything we need to know. Butmost of the time, it’s only a very small part of the story. Slapping a word or two on a person canmake things worse. In reality, nothing is ever as simple as the label we give it.
(“这是标签的微妙之处。有时候,标签能告诉我们一切。但大多数时候,标签只代表很小一部分内容。用一两个词来形容人会让事情更糟。事实上,事情全然不像我们贴标签那么简单。”TheCarrie Diaries第一季第三集)
I wanted to label my dad an overbearing, overprotective parent, but I could see who he really was– a man who loved his daughters the only way he knew how.
(“我想给我爸爸贴上‘专横,过度保护’的标签,但我现在才真正了解到,他只是一个以自己的方式疼爱女儿们的爸爸。”The Carrie Diaries第一季第三集)
Family--there is nothing more important. They're the ones who show up when we're in trouble, theones who push us to succeed, and the ones who help keep our secrets.
(“家人,这世上最珍贵的风景。困难时他们突然出现;有意无意时他们助推成功;守秘时他们相依为伴。”Desperate Housewives)
When we think about entering new, unchartered territory, it always comes with the idea that weforge ahead. And that’s true to some degree. But often to forge ahead, we have to look back tounderstand what we’re leaving behind. And it can be scary because behind us, there are oftenblind spots...things we want to ignore or couldn’t even see that can stop us from our journeyforward, but only if you let them. At some point, you have to let go of the past and stop lookingbehind and embrace what comes next.
(“当我们踏入新的未知领地,通常意味着我们又向前迈进了一步。某种程度上这是对的。但通常为了继续向前,我们得回顾过去,去理解我们身后留下了什么。这也许不是易事,因为我们身后往往是盲点,是我们想忽略的事,或是我们无法预知会让自己停滞不前的事。总有一天,你得抛开过往,不再回头,然后拥抱未来。”The Carrie Diaries第一季第五集)
That’s the thing about goals. When we focus too much on our endgame, we can miss the fun ofthe journey, we can miss the detour that would take us somewhere even more rewarding. Welike to set goals because they give us a feeling of control. But control is an illusion, becausesometimes the earth moves, and we have to deal with wherever we end up, whether it’s on solidground or not.
(“这就是目标的矛盾之处,如果我们太过于专注结果,就会错过过程中的快乐,说不定绕道而行反而能带我们抵达更好玩的地方。我们喜欢设定目标是因为这让我们有控制感。但是控制其实是种幻觉,因为世事难料,无论是顺境还是逆境,我们都得接受面对。”The Carrie Diaries第一季第六集)
When you were a kid, it was Halloween candy. You hid it from your parents and ate it until you gotsick. In college, it was the heady combo of youth, tequila, and, well, you know. Too much ofanything, even love, is not always a good thing. Too much information? Too much fun? Toomuch love? Too much to ask? And when is it all just too much to bear? (“在你小时候,你不知足的是万圣节的糖果。你背着父母偷偷藏起来吃到自己想吐。进了大学,觉得永远不够的是令人兴奋不已的青春,烈酒以及,你知道的。任何东西拥有得过多都不是好事,甚至是爱。太多信息?太多乐趣?太多爱?多到不想再要了?那何时才会多到你无法忍受呢?”Grey’s Anatomy第二季第十集)
You cannot not try because you’re afraid you’re gonna fail, that’d be like ... that’d be like notwanting to go out on an date because you are afraid all guys are gonna cheat on you, or notwanting to write because you are afraid you’ll never get published anyway. We cannot be afraid togo after what we want even when we don’t know what the outcome’s gonna be.