现在越来越多的孩子在学校吃免费的早餐,然而这种为低收入群体的孩子提供早餐的制度自推行以来也伴随着一种担忧: 这可能导致更多的孩子会吃两份早餐,一顿在家里一顿在学校,这会使他们更容易变胖。
A new study suggests that it is not children who indulge twice, but those who skip breakfast altogether, who are more likely to be overweight. In other words, two breakfasts appear to be better than none, said Marlene Schwartz, one of the researchers at the University of Connecticut's Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity.
然而,一项新的研究表明,不吃早餐的孩子会比吃两顿早餐的孩子们更容易变胖。“换句话说,吃两份早餐比不吃早餐要好一些”,康涅狄格州大学食品政策和肥胖路德中心的研究员马琳 • 施瓦茨说。
"Our study does add to the argument that it's really important to make sure that as many kids as possible are getting a healthy breakfast," said Schwartz. “Especially in low-income communities, having universal access to healthy breakfasts is helpful."
“我们的研究确保让大家意识到应该让尽可能多的孩子吃到健康早餐,这很重要,” 施瓦茨说。“尤其是在低收入群体中,健康早餐意识的普及是很有帮助的。”
Schwartz and her fellow researchers studied students from 12 schools, following them from fifth grade to seventh grade and recording both their breakfast habits and their weight. There weren't many double-breakfast eaters; they accounted for only about one in every 10 students. But their weight change over the years was no different than the average weight change of all students, according to the study.
Breakfast-skippers, however, and students who ate school breakfasts inconsistently-who were more commonly girls than boys-were twice more likely to be overweight or obese than double-breakfast eaters.
Though prior studies also have found that skipping breakfast is associated with weight problems, it's not clear why the two appear to be linked. It's impossible to know for sure what's really happening without more consistent and reliable data about what people eat throughout the day, Schwartz said.
One assumption is that people who skip breakfast become so hungry that they eat more later in the day, or they choose foods that aren't as healthy. Another is that overweight people are more likely to skip breakfast in an attempt to control their weight.
Schwartz emphasized that free school breakfasts must meet strict federal nutrition guidelines-and that might be one important reason why double-breakfast eaters aren't gaining weight more quickly than other students.