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3 Ways to Get Rid of Ingrown Hair Naturally



No matter what hair removal methods girls use, they are prone to having ingrown hair during the shave season. Even though ingrown hair is less likely to cause serious health issues, it can lead to red bumps that look like pimples.


The last thing you want to deal with during the beach season is redness, irritation, swelling, inflammation, or even pain. No need to spend money on expensive ingrown hair products. Here are some effective natural remedies to try out:


1. Soothe skin with honey

1. 用蜂蜜舒缓肌肤

Personally, I do not like an idea of applying honey to the skin or hair, but when I am in trouble, I am ready to apply anything to feel relief. Honey is sticky and hard to rinse, but it boasts powerful antibacterial properties, preventing and fighting bacteria and reducing swelling and inflammation. Apply honey to the affected area, and rinse it off after 10-15 minutes. Use 2 to 4 times a day.


2. Fight bacteria with apple cider vinegar

2. 用苹果醋抗菌

Apple cider vinegar does not seem like the best remedy for ingrown hair, but it actually works wonders. Apple cider vinegar combats skin bacteria and yeast, lowering the risk of infection and it can also relieve inflammation. Use a cotton ball to apply apple cider vinegar to the affected area and rinse it off with warm water after 5 to 10 seconds.


3. Cool it up with aloe vera

3. 用芦荟降温

Fight itchiness, inflammation, and bumps by applying a fresh gel from an aloe vera leaf. Leave it for 20 minutes and rinse it off. If you have severe inflammation, try to do it 2 to 4 times a day. Aloe vera provides a natural cooling effect on the skin and helps relieve pain.



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