Youngest and middle children would beg to differ,but it turns out science mostly supports the eldest'sbragging rights.
Numerous studies have shown that birth order plays an important part in development. Howmuch influence it has is a point of contention among experts, but regardless, there issomething to be said about being the oldest one of the bunch.
If you're an eldest sibling, take a look at the benefits of your birth order below.
1. Older siblings might be smarter.
Research suggests that eldest children have higher IQs on average than their younger siblings.In a 2007 study of 250,000 Norwegian young adults, firstborn men had an average IQ 2.3points higher than their younger brothers.
Researchers believe the difference is due to environment rather than genetics. Eldest childrenoften "teach" their younger siblings, which can help them to better retain information,according to the authors. Also, as a family grows, parents have less time to spend with eachchild.
"Every time you add a child, you're diluting the intellectual environment of everyone in thefamily," the researchers wrote in the study's conclusion.
2. They could be more responsible.
2. 他们更有责任感。
Forging the path for their fellow siblings means eldest children learn some serious responsibilityearly in life. According to Jeffrey Kluger, author of The Sibling Effect: What the Bonds AmongBrothers and Sisters Reveal About Us, eldest siblings tend to be the ones that focus the moston family loyalty and traditional achievement. As a result, they're often seen as moreobedient and responsible.
3. They might be more successful.
3. 他们也许会更成功。
Not only do eldest children perform better in school, they also might be more successful in theprofessional world. According psychologist and New York University adjunct professor BenDattner, firstborns are achievement-oriented and eager to please their parents. Research alsosuggests they tend to dominate their younger siblings as an authority figure of sorts,making them acutely prepared to take on leadership roles in the professional world.
Plus, their parents perceive them to be more accomplished. Go figure.
4. Eldest children follow the rules.
4. 长子遵循规则。
While middle children are thought to be the rebellious ones, oldest children are more likely tobe rule-followers and stick to the status quo.
"Firstborns tend to be responsible, competitive and conventional, whereas laterborns have to'distinguish' themselves and create a specific niche by being playful, cooperative, andespecially, rebellious," Belgian psychologists Vassilis Saroglou and Laure Fiasse wrote in a 2003paper published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences.
5. They may be more conscientious.
In a 2015 study, firstborns were found to be slightly more conscientious, more agreeableand less neurotic than their younger siblings—characteristics that could help them in the longrun.
A 2015 Australian study found that people who were more conscientious showed higheracademic performance. Conscientiousness has also been found to be a major key to success.
Revel in the glory, eldest siblings. It's hard to argue with science. But we're sure your momstill loves you all equally.