This link between climate science and immediate weather conditions can only strengthen thecase of those arguing for policy change. The impact of a damaging heatwave in terms ofdeaths, sickness and other social and economic costs is much more likely to rouse publicopinion than the distant prospect of what might to some sound like a modest increase in theglobal mean temperature. All politics are local, and they are also immediate. The discountrate applied to future possibilities is very high: what could happen to a future generationdecades matters much less than what is happening to me here and now. It brings climate tothe foreground and diminishes the argument of those who say that since we don’t knoweverything we should do nothing and wait until we see how things turn out. If the impact isimmediate and people are dying as a result, the call for action will be loud.
One of the most dangerous illusions in the debate around the implications of climate change isthe notion that the impact will only be material when the carbon concentration in theatmosphere exceeds some defined limit — usually quoted as 450ppm. At that point globalmean temperatures will rise by an average of 2 degrees centigrade and the problems will begin.I do appreciate that the science is much more complicated but I think this is how thechallenge is seen by many non-expert policy makers and politicians.
That view is mistaken. It implies an accuracy in the knowledge of the relationship betweencarbon concentration and the effect on temperatures that doesn’t yet exist — not leastbecause, as Martin Rees, the former President of the Royal Society puts it, we are conducting anexperiment with the earth’s atmosphere which has never been tried before. We don’t know withany degree of certainty that 450ppm will produce an average rise of 2 degrees and we don’tknow what the variations around that average figure might be across the world. The case foraction is driven by the precautionary principle. But there is another known unknown and thatis the extent and nature of the impact in the shorter term — before we get to 450ppm.
这种看法是错误的。它暗含这样一种意思,关于碳浓度与其对气温影响的关系,在我们所了解的知识中存在一种精确性。而实际上还不具有这样的精确性,主要是因为,正如英国皇家学会(Royal Society)前主席马丁•里斯(Martin Rees)所言,我们正在进行一项人类从未尝试过的地球大气实验。我们丝毫无法确定,450ppm的碳浓度是否将造成平均升温2摄氏度,我们也不知道在那个平均值上下世界各地可能出现什么变化。行动的理由是出于预防原则。但是还有另一个“已知的未知”,即在更短时期内(碳浓度达到450ppm之前)气候变化造成的影响的程度和性质。
A new and important study from the National Academy of Sciences in the US focuses on theimpact of climate change and weather conditions and explores the vexed question of eventattribution. Can we say that a heatwave in Paris — as occurred in the summer of 2003 killingsome 3,000 people, and again last year, killing another 700 or floods on the Somerset levels insouthwest England as in the winter of 2013/14 are the direct consequence of climate change?Did the wildfires that swept western Russia in the summer of 2010 killing some 56,000 people,according to the independent estimate of the insurance company result from globalwarming?
美国国家科学院(National Academy of Sciences)一项重要的新研究着眼于气候变化的影响和天气条件,并探索了极端天气事件归因这个棘手难题。我们可以说巴黎的热浪(2003年夏天造成约3000人死亡,去年又造成700人死亡)或者2013/14年冬天英格兰西南部萨默塞特郡的洪水是气候变化的直接后果吗?2010年夏天席卷俄罗斯西部、造成约5.6万人死亡(根据保险公司的独立估算)的野火是由全球变暖引起的吗?
Until now, the careful scientific answer has been that there may be a linkage but it cannot beproved. Now, however, the science of event attribution is changing that position. It isbeginning to be possible to say that some weather events are directly linked and attributable toclimate change. Events such as heatwaves fall within that category. For the moment, cyclonesdo not and nor do droughts because too many other factors are involved.
In the view of the authors of the NAS study, to justify attribution requires:
- a long-term historical track record of data to set the context of any current event
- the ability to simulate the events accurately in climate models.
- a position purely influenced by meterological data.
- that there is an understood and robustly simulated physical mechanism that relates a givenclass of extreme events to long-term anthropogenic climate changes such as global-scaletemperature increase or increases in water content of a warmer atmosphere.
For heatwaves these standards can be met.
In areas where the standards cannot yet be met more work needs to be done — separating outthe different factors involved in producing particular circumstances and showing what if anyproportion of the outcome is due to climate change.
This is an important advance. We may not yet be at the point of being able to predict thefrequency of extreme weather events — that is, we cannot say that there is likely to be aheatwave in Paris at least once every five years but we are close to being able to say thatheatwaves are much more frequent than they have been in the past and that the change infrequency is due to a change in the climate.
As this linkage becomes more obvious the public demand for action will grow more intenseand that in turn will raise a serious political problem. Even politicians who fully accept the risksof climate change cannot change the weather because heatwaves and other current extremeweather conditions are being caused by the change that has already occurred. Cutting carbonemissions to zero immediately — even if that were practical — would not alter the situationalthough it could, of course, prevent further deterioration. Equally, countries cannot notisolate themselves. The weather does not recognise political boundaries. In such circumstancesthe only viable response is adaptation and the development of provision to cope with theincreased risks. The approach is sensible but it can be expensive. Taking precautions againstthe risks of a heatwave is not a simple process.
In politics, if a risk cannot easily be removed or managed the temptation is to look forsomeone to blame. In legal terms this will be translated into the concept of liabilities. If youare a shareholder in an energy business you might like to ask your company’s view of the issue.It would be fascinating to read their responses.