‘Manchu Princess, Japanese Spy,’ by Phyllis Birnbaum
Yoshiko Kawashima was, at first glance, a winning figure. Described by The New York Times in 1933 as “a picturesque film-drama figure, half tomboy, half heroine,” she was often called the “Joan of Arc of the Manchus.” It was the fulfillment of a childhood dream. Riding to school on horseback, Kawashima imagined herself as a new Joan, restoring her people to their rightful glory.
She was born in China in 1907, the daughter of a Manchu prince with 38 children and frustrated dreams of reviving the Qing dynasty. As a reward to one of his Japanese allies, Naniwa Kawashima, Prince Su sent him a child — Aisin Gioro Xianyu, now renamed Yoshiko Kawashima, who was likely just 8 years old when she left for Japan.
Yoshiko’s adoptive father encouraged her warrior bravado and her tendency toward exaggeration. During the Boxer Rebellion, he claimed to have single-handedly rescued the imperial family. But Naniwa was also short-tempered, known for running after his daughter with a shovel. And she was subjected to a hellish series of suitors, drawn from the ultranationalists who surrounded him. At last Yoshiko rebelled, cutting off her hair. “I decided to cease being a woman forever,” she announced. As Phyllis Birnbaum reports in “Manchu Princess, Japanese Spy,” it was the first of many attempts to shape her own image, and her fate.
养父鼓励她身上武士的勇敢精神,以及喜欢夸张的倾向。他声称自己在义和拳运动中单枪匹马地拯救了皇室家族。但川岛浪速脾气暴躁,曾经提着铲子追赶自己的女儿。芳子有大量追求者,都是围绕在浪速身边的极端民族主义者。最后叛逆的芳子剪掉了自己的头发,宣布,“我永远清算了女性”。菲利斯·伯恩鲍姆 (Phyllis Birnbaum)在《满族公主,日本间谍》(Manchu Princess, Japanese Spy)一书中写道,芳子一生多次试图改变自己的形象与命运,这仅仅是第一次而已。
In 1931, Yoshiko was hired by the Japanese Kwantung Army, which was intent on creating a Manchurian “paradise of benevolent government,” the puppet state of Manchukuo. “The job description,” Birnbaum writes, “was hazy.” Yoshiko may have driven cross-country with Empress Wanrong stowed in the trunk of her car. She may have incited the Shanghai Incident of 1932, led troops at the disastrous Battle of Rehe and flown into Manchukuo to confront a rebellious warlord and free his captives.
She may have, but probably didn’t. Yoshiko’s wartime experiences were filtered through the work of the Japanese novelist Shofu Muramatsu, who “improved” his best-selling 1933 portrait of her, “The Beauty in Men’s Clothing,” with a few undercover assignments. Muramatsu called the result a collaboration. Later, the Nationalist government would accuse Yoshiko of the same crime.
她可能做了以上这些事情,也可能没有——芳子的战时经历经过日本小说家村松梢风的加工,1933年,他创作了她的传记《男装丽人》(The Beauty in Men’s Clothing),其中写到她从事的若干秘密任务,并“改进”了她的形象,这本书成了畅销书。村松梢风说这本书是两人合作的产物。后来,国民党政府也以同样的罪名起诉她。
“My whole life has been formed by false gossip about me,” her prison confession begins, “and I will die because of false gossip against me.” But Yoshiko herself seized every opportunity for aggrandizement. In a typical encounter, she described herself as the last emperor’s daughter, dressed in drag to outsmart assassins. Her parents were killed, her brothers gruesomely dispatched. She was a pilot, an expert shot, a painter, a poet. Her listener believed, and transcribed, every word.
“This star-struck remembrance,” Birnbaum writes, “must bring despair to the heart of any biographer.” Birnbaum’s previous work has featured flamboyant, self-made characters — one of her subjects, the painter Foujita, wrestled movingly with his Eastern and Western identities — but never someone whose life was so strongly a product of her own imagination. Still, reality eventually made inroads. By the late 1930s, disillusioned with Manchukuo and diminished by opium addiction, Yoshiko began to seem less the Eastern Joan of Arc than the Manchurian Lindsay Lohan. In the end, her closest confidants were four pet monkeys.
“这种追星式的回忆真能让任何传记作者抓狂,”伯恩鲍姆写道,她之前的传记作品中也塑造过华丽浮夸、凭空塑造出自身形象的人物,比如始终在东方与西方身份认同之间艰苦挣扎的画家藤田(Foujita)——但她从来没写过像川岛芳子这样一个整个人生都建立在自己想像之上的人物。现实最终还是要面对。 20世纪30年代末,芳子对满洲国感到幻灭,又深受鸦片烟瘾的折磨,她看上去不再像东方的圣女贞德,倒像是满洲的林赛·罗翰(Lindsay Lohan)。到最后,她最亲近的朋友是四只宠物猴子。
Birnbaum’s book closes with the sad poetic justice of Yoshiko’s trial, when the Nationalist government, relying on films, novels and Yoshiko’s own hyperbolic memoirs, sentenced her to execution. Yoshiko was, Birnbaum notes, “astonished that fiction would pass for evidence.”
So Yoshiko Kawashima died, at last taken seriously. Or she didn’t. In Birnbaum’s biography, which grasps at but never quite captures Yoshiko’s spirit, her subject emerges as a woman supremely in command of her own fiction, even to the last. On March 25, 1948, Yoshiko was either executed or replaced by a body double and smuggled off to a life in hiding. She’ll always be the one who got away.