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晚睡晚起 夜猫子为什么不爱运动




Late sleepers more sedentary and find it harderto exercise, study found.


Night owls also make up more reasons not to beactive。


Adults should take 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise a week。


Night owls who wake up late are less likely totake exercise。


Latest research suggests night owls are more sedentary and feel that they have a hardertime maintaining an exercise schedule。


Results show that later sleep times were associated with more self-reported minutessitting, and sleep timing remained a significant predictor of sedentary minutes after controllingfor age and sleep duration。


However, people who characterized themselves as night owls reported more sitting time andmore perceived barriers to exercise, including not having enough time for exercise and beingunable to stick to an exercise schedule regardless of what time they actually went to bed orwoke up。


'We found that even among healthy, active individuals, sleep timing and circadianpreference are related to activity patterns and attitudes toward physical activity,' said principalinvestigator Kelly Glazer Baron, associate professor of neurology and director of theBehavioral Sleep Medicine Program at the Feinberg School of Medicine at NorthwesternUniversity in Chicago, Illinois。


'Waking up late and being an evening person were related to more time spent sitting,particularly on weekends and with difficulty making time to exercise.'


The research abstract was published recently in an online supplement of the journal Sleep,and was being presented Wednesday, June 4, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, at SLEEP 2014, the28th annual meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies LLC。


The study group comprised 123 healthy adults with a self-reported sleep duration of atleast 6.5 hours。


Sleep variables were measured by seven days of wrist actigraphy along with sleep diaries.Self-reported physical activity and attitudes toward exercise were evaluated by questionnairesincluding the International Physical Activity Questionnaire。


'This was a highly active sample averaging 83 minutes of vigorous activity per week,' saidGlazer Baron。


'Even among those who were able to exercise, waking up late made it and being an eveningperson made it perceived as more difficult.'


According to Baron, the study suggests that circadian factors should be taken intoconsideration as part of exercise recommendations and interventions, especially for less activeadults。


'Sleep timing should be taken into account when discussing exercise participation,' sheadded。


'We could expect that sleep timing would play even a larger role in a population that hadmore difficulty exercising.'

“我们会认为在夜猫子这类人群中,睡眠时间在其中起了比较大的作用,坚持按时运动锻炼就比较困难。 ”

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that adults get at last 150minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity every week and participate in muscle-strengthening activities on two or more days a week。



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