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When toys are made for movies, they are usuallyintended for children.


But with the Valentine’s Day weekend premiere of“Fifty Shades of Grey,” many of the tie-ins to the filmare for adults only.

但是将于情人节周末首映的《五十度灰》(Fifty Shades ofGrey)捆绑销售的许多物品都是只为成人准备的。



The sex toy industry is banking on the hope that the Universal Pictures film will generatesoaring sales, much the way the blockbuster erotic novel of the same name created thousandsof new customers from the female readers who passed the book around their suburban culs-de-sac.


In anticipation of such keen interest, mainstream retailers are stocking up on the pleasureindustry’s blindfolds, whips, handcuffs and masks. Manufacturers have designed newpackaging and products to fit the kinky tone and theme of the film, which is based on E. L.James’s story about a naïve young woman’s introduction to games of sexual bondage.

主流零售商期待人们会对这一领域产生强烈兴趣,已经储备了大量性爱产业出产的眼罩、鞭子、手铐和面具。制造商设计出新包装和新产品,配合该片奇异的基调和主题。小说原著由E·L·詹姆斯(E. L. James)撰写,讲述一个天真的年轻女人进入性爱奴役的领域。

Even Target, one of the nation’s largest retailers, recently began selling an official “Fifty Shadesof Grey” “vibrating love ring,” an item intended for wear by men, but not on the finger.


“It is the biggest moment for our industry in popular culture pretty much ever,” said ClaireCavanah, a co-founder of Babeland, an adult novelty retailer. “We’re all sort of preparing forwhat could be another wave of toys.”

“这大约是我们这个行业在流行文化中最受关注的时刻,”成人玩具零售商Babeland的联合创始人之一克莱尔·卡瓦纳(Claire Cavanah)说。“我们正在全力准备下一波可能到来的性玩具高潮。”

Ms. James’s sexually charged trilogy — two followed “Fifty Shades of Grey” — became a culturalphenomenon, and turned Ms. James into something of a legend.


She sold the publishing rights to Vintage Books, a division of Random House, and soon reachedeven more readers who may never have normally read erotic fiction.

她把版权卖给了兰登书屋(Random House)旗下的Vintage Books,很快拥有了更多读者,其中很多人从未读过情色小说。

Last year, Vintage Books announced that it had sold 100 million copies of the series. Ms.James, a middle-aged British mother and former television producer, was credited withintroducing the concept of BDSM (standing for, loosely: bondage/discipline,domination/submission, sadism/masochism) into the mainstream vernacular.

去年,Vintage Books宣布,该系列售出了一亿册。詹姆斯是一位英国中年母亲,曾经当过电视制片人,人们认为她把BDSM(代表绑缚/调教、支配/臣服、施虐/受虐)概念引入了主流话语。

She also ignited a huge bidding war in Hollywood. Executives vied for a chance to pitch Ms.James and her literary agent, Valerie Hoskins, on how best to tell the story of Anastasia Steele,a virginal 21-year-old student who becomes the submissive sexual partner to Christian Grey,a successful 27-year-old businessman.

她还引发了好莱坞激烈的竞标风潮。高管们竞相向詹姆斯以及她的文学代理人瓦莱丽·霍斯金斯(ValerieHoskins)投标,说他们能拍好这个关于安娜斯塔西娅·斯蒂尔(Anastasia Steele)的故事,在书中,这个21岁的处女学生成了受27岁的成功商人克里斯蒂安·格雷(Christian Grey)支配的性伴侣。

Universal Studios and Focus Features eventually won, and agreed to pay $5 million for therights to make the film.

最后获胜的是环球影业与焦点电影公司(Focus Features),它们同意支付500万美元,获取电影改编权。

The studio wanted to capitalize on the same readers — and others — who sent sales of adultproducts skyrocketing after “Fifty Shades of Grey” had its debut as an e-book in 2011.Suddenly, retailers had trouble keeping once-obscure products in stock. The novel spurred a7.5 percent jump in sales of sex-themed products, including toys, videos and books, in 2013,according to a report from the research firm IBISWorld.


“We were kind of taken by surprise when the book came out,” Ms. Cavanah said. “But we’remuch more prepared for the movie.”


The movie will not be as graphic as the book. Neal Slateford, a co-founder of Lovehoney, theonly company that has the rights to make the official “Fifty Shades of Grey” adult products soldin Target and elsewhere, does not expect certain toys used in the book’s steamiest scenes toappear in the movie.

电影不会像书那样生动形象。Lovehoney公司是唯一一家获官方许可,为《五十度灰》生产成人用品的公司,并可将这些产品在Target等公司出售。Lovehoney的联合创始人尼尔·斯雷特福特(Neal Slatefod)说,公司不指望书中某些最情色、使用了某些特定道具的场景会出现在电影中。

In an interview, Mr. Slateford said that his brand would not be featured in the film either,although some of the tamer products themselves could be.


“I think that the movie will reignite sales of the book, which could boost sales,” he said.


Adult-toy experts say it’s difficult to provide an accurate estimate of sales or specific itemsinspired by the book. But they do point to a few things.


The novel includes one particularly graphic scene involving Ben Wa Balls, also known as Kegelballs, an item that retailers had for years largely promoted as a sexual health product forwomen, especially after giving birth.

书中有个格外生动的场面写到了本华球(Ben Wa Balls),又名凯格尔球(Kegel balls),多年来,零售商们一直将它作为一种促进女性性健康的产品进行推销,特别是生育之后的性健康。

Sales of the balls immediately spiked. The large sex product manufacturer California ExoticNovelties, which used to sell 80,000 to 90,000 each year, sold one million in the six monthsafter the book’s debut, according to its president and chief executive, Susan Colvin.

这种球的销量达到了顶峰,性用品大生产商加州性爱用品(California Exotic Novelties)的总裁兼首席执行官苏珊·科尔文(Susan Colvin)说,公司过去每年只卖出8万至9万个本华球,在这本书出版6个月内就卖出了100万个。

“There was a worldwide shortage of pleasure balls, literally,” said Mr. Slateford, the co-founderof Lovehoney. “Knowing that those aren’t going to be in the movie, I wouldn’t expect to beselling a huge amount of those.”


The sex toy industry is largely private, and not just culturally. Financial data is difficult to findbecause so few companies are publicly held.


Some experts, like Sara Ramirez, the associate publisher for retailing for the adultentertainment trade publication XBIZ, agree that Americans buy somewhere between $1 billionand $2 billion worth of pleasure products annually. A more conservative estimate fromIBISWorld pegged that number at $610 million in 2013 and projected it to grow to $792million by 2018.

成人娱乐用品销售业出版物《XBIZ》的联合出版人莎拉·拉米雷斯(Sara Ramirez)等专家认为,美国人每年花费10亿到20亿美元购买性玩具。IBISWorld的估计更加保守,认为2013年美国人花了6.1亿美元购买性玩具,到2018年,这个数字将增长到7.92亿美元。

Since only Lovehoney can officially use the “Fifty Shades of Grey” name, others have beenforced to get creative. Pipedream Products, which makes sex toys and novelties, redesignedsome of its packaging with a gray-and-black color scheme from the movie.


California Exotic Novelties broadened its line of “Scandal” restraints when the movie’s trailercame out in July.


And Jimmyjane, known for its vibrators, is taking its first foray into “soft goods” with a new setof fetish kits inspired by the film that include items like blindfolds and silk ties.


“I would say that every single person has jumped on the bandwagon in terms of making toysaround ‘Fifty Shades,’ ” Ms. Ramirez, the XBIZ publisher, said.


Babeland has added 20 new items in anticipation of the movie’s release on Feb. 13.Lovehoney’s “Grey”-themed vibrator is among the best sellers. California Exotic Noveltiesordered 10 times its normal amount of inventory for the six months surrounding the film.


Lovehoney products even made their way into Target in December, where its line of “FiftyShades of Grey” candles, lubricant and blindfolds upset some parents a few weeks ago at astore where some items were stocked right next to Captain America toothbrushes.


But while these companies do not want to miss an opportunity to capitalize on the film, theydon’t want to overestimate demand, either.


Babeland still has some items left over from when it rushed to increase supplies in 2012. Thecompany has been a bit more conservative this time around, and says that the items tied tothe movie represent about 5 percent of all new products.


“My personal opinion is that there’s going to be a sharp spike and then it’s going to tail offrather quickly,” said Nick Orlandino, the chief executive of Pipedream Products.

“我个人认为,电影上映后销量会出现峰值,之后也会很快下滑,”Pipedream公司的首席执行官尼克·奥兰迪诺(Nick Orlandino)说。

There are cultural concerns, too. The book may have drawn a niche erotic practice into thespotlight, but some critics also saw a male protagonist who pressured his lover in a way BDSMenthusiasts say is antithetical to what should be a consensual relationship.


Those misconceptions, some say, could also extend to sex toys. And manufacturers don’twant customers with unrealistic expectations to be disappointed with their products.


“A lot of the ways they describe the toys and the products in the book, E.L. James didn’t getquite right,” Ms. Colvin said. “Using kegel balls is not too much fun, it’s actually hard work to doit right.”



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