No one is irreplaceable. You may not leave a hole, but you can leave a mark on a person, a team, or a culture that lives on after you're gone.没什么人是不可取代的。你可能无法在那桶水里留下一个洞,但是当你离开后,你能在一个人、一个团队或一种文化留下自己的印记。
2. "We all have limits. Almost no one reaches theirs. You definitely haven't."“我们都有极限,但几乎没有人达到过自己的极限。你当然也没有。”
You could swim faster if a shark was on your tail. You could work harder if the payoff was truly exceptional.如果有只鲨鱼尾随,你就能游得更快。如果报酬真的很棒,你就能工作得更努力。
3. "Unless you're the lead dog in the sled, the view never changes."“除非你是领头羊,要不然你的视角将一成不变。”
Following the crowd means living the same life as the crowd. You don't want that.随大流就意味着你要和别人过一样的日子。你应该不想这样吧。
4. "The coward dies a thousand deaths, the brave but one." (Original to Ernest Hemingway.)“懦夫有一千种死法,勇士却只有一种。”(海明威)
Think about easing into a cold ocean; every inch is excruciating. Dive in. It's never as cold, or as bad, as you think.试想一下慢慢迈入一片寒冷的汪洋,可能每一寸都无比折磨。勇敢地潜下去吧!可能这根本就没有你想象的那么冷,那么糟糕。
5. "Resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other guy to die."“心怀忿恨就像喝毒药一样,一心想让那个人一命呜呼。”
The same holds for bitterness. And jealousy. And dislike. Let it go. If you don't, the only loser is you.怨恨、嫉妒、反感也是一样的。把这些感情丢掉吧!要不然被伤害的只有你自己。
6. "It's just a flesh wound."“就是皮肉伤而已。”
The Black Knight never gives up. Neither should we.黑骑士永不言败。我们也是。