Japan is like a parallel universe. Here in the land of the free, it’s customary to wash down a mouthful of Cool Ranch Doritos with a refreshing swig of Pepsi. In the land of the rising sun, you’ll find those same tasty snacks, but the corn chips could be anchovy-flavored, and that bottle of Pepsi might taste of spicy, bitter ginger.
日本好像处在另一个平行世界里。在美国这片自由之地,人们常往嘴里塞一把多力多滋玉米片(Cool Ranch Doritos),再喝一大口清凉的百事可乐(Pepsi)。你在日本也可以找到这些美味可口的零食,但玉米片成了凤尾鱼风味,而瓶装的百事可乐可能是辛辣苦涩的姜味。
We’ve cobbled together this list of Japanese-exclusive flavors of popular munchies. From squid ink–flavored ice cream to “man-scented” gum, some of these flavors really leave us scratching our heads.
KitKats are kind of a big deal in Japan. That’s right—those run-of-the-mill, chocolate-covered wafers you binge on during Halloween are a revered super-candy over there.
But the Japanese aren't satisfied with coating their biscuits in milk chocolate and calling it a day. No, KitKats in Japan come in a dizzying array of flavors.
Green tea, edamame soybean, wasabi, and red bean all sound like unsurprisingly Asian flavors, but then we get into some really weird stuff. Ginger Ale. Buttered Corn. Hot Chili Pepper.
绿茶、毛豆、芥末和红豆味都是我们意料之中的亚洲风味,但我们还了解到一些匪夷所思的口味,比如姜汁汽水味(Ginger Ale)、奶油玉米味(Buttered Corn)和红辣椒味(Hot Chili Pepper)。
And then there’s the KitKat Pizza. You probably never thought you’d ever see those two words together.
此外还有奇巧披萨(KitKat Pizza),你可能从未想过这两个词会组合到一起。