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Stephen Skripak likes to tell prospective students atVirginia Tech about how he earned his MBA at PurdueUniversity in the late 1980s while working as a youngexecutive at General Electric. He was promoted twicein the three years it took him to obtain the part-time degree.

斯蒂芬•斯克里帕克(Stephen Skripak)喜欢告诉弗吉尼亚理工大学(Virginia Tech)的潜在学员,在20世纪80年代末,作为通用电气(General Electric)的一名年轻主管,他是如何一边工作一边取得普渡大学(Purdue University)的MBA学位的。在在职攻读MBA学位的三年时间里,他两次获得晋升。

“I decided to go that direction because I was already married, we already had a house and mywife’s income wouldn’t have been enough to sustain our lifestyle,” says Prof Skripak, assistantdean of graduate programmes at Virginia Tech’s Pamplin School of Business. “It fitted mycircumstances perfectly — and my circumstances are not that different from people today: asingle income doesn’t always support the lifestyle, the house payment, the car payment.”




Prof Skripak is overseeing Pamplin’s transition away from a full-time MBA degree to offer onlypart-time MBA programmes. Virginia Tech made the decision to go all part-time — offeringexecutive, evening and weekend programmes — last year after watching its full-time MBAapplications drop and part-time applications rise for the past three or four years.


“It was simply a numbers game . . . we’re just kind of going with the market,” says Prof Skripak.


“People don’t want to give up their jobs in an economy that is this iffy and a great way to getthe MBA without having to go back to school [full time] is the part-time or executive (EMBA)programme.”


Virginia Tech is not alone. Following its merger with Arizona State University, Thunderbird will nolonger teach MBA students and Wake Forest recently announced it would move to all part-timeMBA programmes, which employers increasingly view as on a par with the full-time MBA.

并非只有弗吉尼亚理工大学这么做。与亚利桑那州立大学(Arizona State University)合并后,雷鸟国际管理学院(Thunderbird)将不再教授MBA学生,而维克森林大学(Wake Forest)最近宣布将完全转为在职MBA教育项目。雇主们日益对在职MBA和全日制MBA一视同仁。

They join the likes of Miami University of Ohio in moving away from the traditional two-yearMBA most US business schools offer.

它们加入了迈阿密大学MU(Miami University of Ohio)等学校的行列,逐渐取消了大多数美国商学院提供的传统上两年制的MBA教育项目。

Analysts and administrators say the global financial crisis has thrown this long-term trend intosharp relief: prospective students are increasingly unwilling to make the sacrifices that a full-time, two-year MBA demands — pausing their career, missing out on salary and promotions,and taking on considerable debt to fund their studies.


Instead, as with the increase in one-year, pre-experience Masters of Management programmes,students and schools are opting for curriculums that do not involve slowing down careermomentum, wreaking havoc on potential earnings and taking a gamble on the job markettwo years down the line.

随着无需工作经验的一年制管理学硕士(Masters of Management)项目的增加,学生和学校都会选择那些不会拖累职业发展,不会大幅降低薪资,以及不用两年后再去人才市场赌一把的课程。

This movement is driven by a desire for more diversity in MBA offerings, says Dan LeClair,chief operating officer of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. “One of thekey dimensions of this diversity is flexibility and modulatory,” he says, noting the trend hasemerged in the last three-to-five years. “The driver here is that more and more learners areseeking convenience and the opportunity to continue their education without having to dropout of the workforce.”

国际商学院促进协会(AACSB International)首席运营官丹•勒克莱尔(Dan LeClair)表示,对MBA教育多元化的需求推动了这种变化。他表示:“这种多元化中的关键一点是灵活性和可调节性,”并指出这一趋势出现在过去三到五年中。“驱动力在于,越来越多的学员寻求无需中断事业即可继续学习的便利和机会。”

When he took over as dean of Wake Forest University School of Business earlier this year,Charles Iacovou says he did a “deep dive . . . to understand our current situation and thelandscape around us”. In October, the school announced that it would cease offering itstraditional full-time, two-year MBA programme, and instead focus on its part-time, weekendand evening MBA offerings for working professionals.

查尔斯•亚科武(Charles Iacovou)表示,在今年早些时候出任维克森林大学商学院(Wake Forest UniversitySchool of Business)院长的时候,他“为了解当前我们身边情况和形势……进行了深入调研”。今年10月,学校宣布不再提供传统的两年全日制MBA项目,转为致力于为职场人士提供在周末和夜晚上课的在职MBA项目。

“We concluded that the best thing to do for our school is to simply focus our MBA efforts indelivery modes that don’t disrupt people’s careers,” he says. “The market tells us it’s harderand harder for people to quit their jobs and pursue education.”


Prof Iacovou says that while the financial crisis helped accelerate the trend that has led tomore prospective students opting to stay in the workforce, “It is our understanding that thosetrends are long term and not just cyclical”.


That is in part because of the way talent acquisition and retention practices are changing, addsProf Iacovou.


“In the past, I think more firms thought the best thing to do was to acquire some young talentand when it reached 27 to 28 years old . . . it was appropriate for that talent to walk away,pursue that degree and the firm thought it could either gain that talent back or get bettertalent,” he says. “Firms are now realising that internal talent retention is a better strategy.”


Andrew Robertson, chief executive of global advertising firm BBDO, agrees. Prospectivestudents may not want to give up two years of income or take a break from careeradvancement, he says. “But also more and more employers would prefer that they didn’t stepout [of the job] if they can avoid it.”

跨国广告公司BBDO首席执行官安德鲁•罗伯逊(Andrew Robertson)对此表示赞同。想要攻读MBA学位的学生可能不想放弃两年的薪水或者中断职业发展,他说,“而且越来越多的雇主希望员工能不离职就不要离职。”

The pace of innovation, driven by rapid changes in technology, is driving that desire. “Thespeed that things are changing these days, there’s no question there’s a cost attached to that[two-year break] that is greater than just the time and the money,” says Mr Robertson.


Joe Huddle, a recruiter with DHR International, a global executive search firm, says part-timeprogrammes also allow the employer to keep “a stable cord tied” to the employee who, in atypical MBA programme, is spending a lot of time making network connections.

跨国猎头公司DHR International的招聘者乔•赫德尔(Joe Huddle)说,在职项目还可以使雇主“稳定地拴住”攻读MBA的雇员。在典型的MBA项目中,学员往往会花大量的时间建立人脉。

“Memories fade and loyalty is fickle, and they could be easily wooed by a company coming oncampus to recruit them,” he says. “It’s easier to succumb to that in a full-time programme asopposed to being employed and fully engaged with the company while getting a[part-time]MBA.”



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