One woman in a fading Japanese village is slowly replacing its dead residents with scarecrows.
The 35 residents left in Nagoro, southern Japan, are now outnumbered three-two-one by the mannequins Tsukimi Ayano has made to replace neighbours who have died or moved away.
据英国《每日邮报》报道,日本一村庄由于居民日渐减少,已变为稻草人村。日本南部一座名为Nagoro的村庄人烟寥寥,只剩下35人。名为月见绫野(Tsukimi Ayano)艺术家为了让村庄回复昔日的人气,制作了321个稻草人重现旧人。
It's an eccentric response to an increasingly common problem. More than 10,000 towns and villages in Japan are depopulated, homes and infrastructure crumbling as the countryside empties.
At 65, Ms Tsukimi is one of the younger residents of Nagoro, a small village nestled in the rugged mountain landscape of interior of the southern island of Shikoku.
She moved back from Osaka to look after her 85-year-old father after decades away.
'They bring back memories,' Ms Tsukimi said of the life-size dolls crowded into corners of her farmhouse, perched on fences and trees, huddled side-by-side at a produce stall, the bus stop - anywhere a living person might stop.
'That old lady used to come and chat and drink tea. That old man used to love to drink sake and tell stories. It reminds me of the old times, when they were still alive and well,' she said.
The one-street town is mostly abandoned, its shops and homes permanently shuttered.
With no youngsters left to raise, the local elementary school closed two years ago. Now Ms Tsukimi sometimes guides visitors through the spotless classrooms populated with scarecrow students and teachers.
As Japan grew increasingly affluent after the Second World War, younger Japanese abandoned the countryside, flooding into the cities for jobs in factories and service industries, leaving their elders to tend small farms.
日本在二战(the Second World War)后愈加富裕,日本的年轻人因此离开家乡,涌进城市的工厂和服务行业寻找生计,将他们的老人留在家中务农。
Greater Tokyo, with more than 37million people, and Osaka-Kobe, with 11.5million, account for nearly 40 per cent of the country's 127million people, with another 10million scattered in a handful of provincial capitals.
'There's been this huge sucking sound as the countryside is emptied,' said Joel Cohen, a professor at Columbia University's Laboratory of Populations.
哥伦比亚大学人口实验室(Columbia University's Laboratory of Populations)教授乔·科恩(Joel Cohen)表示:“城市人口的膨胀使得农村变空。”
Meanwhile, a falling birthrate means there are too few people to repopulate rural areas as the rapidly ageing population left tending the fields die off.
Japan's population began to decline in 2010 from a peak of 128 million. Without a drastic increase in the birthrate or a loosening of the staunch Japanese resistance to immigration, it is forecast to fall to about 108 million by 2050 and to 87 million by 2060.
By then, four in 10 Japanese will be over 65 years old.
When Ms Tsukimi returned to her hometown 13 years ago, she initially tried farming. Thinking her radish seeds may have been eaten by crows, she decided to make some scarecrows.
Now there are more 100 scattered around Nagoro and other towns in Shikoku.