Codes have done everything from transmitting crucial information during World War II to keeping little brother from snooping in your diary. Here are some that have remained uncrackable.
The Zodiac Killer's codes 十二宫杀手密码
It's been 40 years since the serial killer terrorized the San Francisco Bay Area. The murderer sent letters to the newspapers and police, and four contained coded messages. Only one was cracked. Mental Floss notes that the 408-character code -- deciphered by Donald and Bettye Harden -- contained mistakes and spelling errors, possibly making the other three messages so difficult to untangle.
自连环杀手恐怖袭击旧金山港湾区已经过去了40年。杀手给当地报纸和警察都邮寄了信件,其中有4封信件都含有编码信息。其中只有一封被成功破解。Mental Floss注解道,由著名密码破译专家Donald 和Bettye Harden破解的这408个字符中包含错误字符和拼写错误字符,这使得其他三封编码信件很难被破解。
But amateur cryptanalysts still try to break the codes: Last year Corey Starliper, a Zodiac-killer obsessive, said he figured out the toughest one, even though police and experts dismissed his claim. If you want a challenge, check out this Web tool that allows you to take a crack at the cipher yourself.
但是,非专业破译专家仍在试图破译这些密码:去年,一位名叫Corey Starliper十二宫杀手声称他解开了其中一个最难破译的编码信息,但是警察和专家并未予以理会。如果你想要挑战,可以使用网络工具进行尝试。
Shugborough inscription Shugborough碑文
A simple sequence of letters is all it is: O U O S V A V V is carved between the letters D and M on the 18th-century Shepherd's Monument located at Shugborough Hall in Staffordshire, England. The monument was commissioned by Thomas and Admiral George Anson, and the letters have never been fully explained, therefore having the dubious honor of being one of the great unsolved cipher texts.
在英格兰斯塔福德郡的Shugborough,有一座18世纪的牧羊人纪念碑。纪念碑上的碑文是一串被简单排序的字母:O U O S V A V V,这些字母被刻在字母D和字母M之间。这座纪念碑由Thomas 和Admiral George Anson建造,而纪念碑上从未被解释清楚的碑文也因此成为了世界上最难解的密码之一。
Theories abound. The inscription has been thought to be a love letter to Anson's wife, an abbreviated Latin phrase, and even a link to the Priory of Sion -- a code that would lead to the Holy Grail. Dan Brown's novel, "The Da Vinci Code," had a similar idea, prompting new interest in the inscription. But so far, nobody has cracked it, not even Tom Hanks.
关于这一密码,众说纷纭。有人说上面的碑文是写给Anson妻子的一封情书,那一串字母是一句用缩略语书写的拉丁文,有人甚至说与锡安会有关——它是一串通向圣杯的密码。Dan Brown的小说《达芬奇的密码》中也提到了这串字母,重新激发了人们对这串碑文的兴趣。但是,至今为止,没有人能够破解这串字母,甚至Tom Hanks也不例外。
Kryptos 克里普托斯代码
In 1990, a sculpture was created for the CIA that incorporated four encoded messages as a challenge to the employees at the agency. While people at various organizations, including the CIA and NSA, have said they have solved three of them, the fourth remains the toughest to decipher, since it contains only 97 or 98 characters.
Richard Feynman's challenge ciphers 理查德·费曼的挑战密码
In 1987 physics professor Richard Feynman received three encoded messages from a fellow scientist at Los Alamos, California, and shared them with his graduate students. Only one of the three has ever been solved. It turned out to be the opening lines of Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales" written in Middle English. The unsolved puzzles are posted here.
1.transmit [trænz'mɪt]
· vt. 传输;传播;发射;传达;遗传
· vi. 传输;发射信号
transmitted 透射的
transmitting 传送中
transmissible 能传送的;能透射的;可传达的
transmission 传动装置,[机] 变速器;传递;传送;播送
transmitter [电讯] 发射机,[通信] 发报机;传达人
transmittance [光] 透射比;透明度
transmittal 传输;传送;被传送
transmitting 传送,传递
transmitted 传输;传送(transmit的过去分词)
transmitting 传递,发射(transmite的现在分词形式)
Transmit System发送系统;传输功能
Transmit Timestamp传输时间戳;送时间戳
transmit transmit发射信号
transmit channel发送信道
transmit information 传输信息
· Anopheles mosquitos transmit malaria. 疟蚊传播疟疾。
· Do not authorize it to any transmit queues. 不要将其授权给任何传输队列。
2.crucial ['kru:ʃ(ə)l]
· adj. 重要的;决定性的;定局的;决断的
[ 比较级more crucial 最高级most crucial ]
crucially 关键地;至关重要地
crucial year关键的一年
crucial infection交叉传染
crucial test恶劣条件试验
crucial time关键时刻;关键时期
crucial period关键时期;关键期
· She broke into the conversation at a crucial moment. 她在关键时刻打断了谈话。
· We have found two issues of crucial importance: location and scale. 我们发现了两个至关重要的问题:地点和规模。
3.snoop [snu:p]
· vi. 调查,窥探
· n. 私家侦探,到处窥视;爱管闲事的人
· vt. 窥察,窥探
snoopy 爱窥探的;爱管闲事的
snooper 刺探者;爱管闲事者
Snoop Frogg嘻哈音乐
Snoop around到处打探
Snoop device监看装置
snoop on监视某人
· This is because the network traversed may have more points, where an attacker can snoop traffic. 这是因为网络可能会穿越更多的节点,黑客可以在这些节点上窥探传输。
4.terrorize ['terəraiz]
· vt. 使…恐怖
· vi. 实施恐怖统治
terror 恐怖;恐怖行动;恐怖时期;可怕的人
terrorist 恐怖主义者,恐怖分子
terrorism 恐怖主义;恐怖行动;恐怖统治
terrorization 恐怖手段抑制
terrorise 恐吓(等于terrorize)
Terrorize With Military Force威慑
· They wanted to terrorize us, but, as Americans, we refuse to live in fear. 他们想让我们生活在恐怖之中,但作为美国人,我们拒绝恐惧。
5.untangle [ʌn'tæŋg(ə)l]
· vt. 清理;整顿;解开…纠结
[ 过去式untangled 过去分词untangled 现在分词untangling ]
untangle a tricky knot解开一个魔术节
· Sometimes it is possible to untangle the chutes in the air, but not this time. 有时,也有可能在空中解开缠绕的降落伞,但这次没有。
· The central question is – can we ever untangle those two soul mates: violence and prostitution? 核心问题是——我们有没有可能拆开暴力和卖淫这天生的一对?
amateur ['æmətə; -tʃə; -tjʊə; ]
. 爱好者;业余爱好者;外行
· adj. 业余的;外行的
amateurish 业余的;不熟练的;外行的
amateurism 业余性;非职业的作为;业余特点;业余主义
amateur photographer业余摄影师;摄影爱好者
amateur player业余运动员;业余选手;业余球员
US Amateur美国业余赛;美国业馀锦标赛
· He's no amateur in farming. 种庄稼他可不外行。
· Only the baby video seems to be an amateur one. 只有这个婴儿的视频似乎是一个业余的。
6.dismiss [dɪs'mɪs]
· vt. 解散;解雇;开除;让...离开
· vi. 解散
dismissive 表示轻视的;解雇的
dismissible 可解雇的
dismissal 解雇;免职
dismission 解散;免职
Dismiss welfare辞退福利
dismiss sanction解职
dismiss rumours辟谣
dismiss from 解雇;开除
· He offered to dismiss me. 他威胁要解雇我。
· At first she threatened to dismiss me, but later she relented. 起初她威胁要解雇我, 但后来她态度软化了。
· He added: "I come not to bury the rating services, but to dismiss them. 他还说:“我不是要埋葬这些评级机构,而是要解散它们。