“Love made me do it”
It’s true — love makes you do things you normally wouldn’t do. Guys turn into mush, girls start giggling, and everyone watching them gags in disgust. But, hey, that’s love. What else has the power of love driven people to do? Well, as you’ll see from these stories, quite a bit. Some have happy endings, others don’t (sorry!), but all show that love can make a person do incredible things…
I went to bat for her engagement ring 为购买一枚订婚戒指,我倾其所有
“My girlfriend and I had been together for about three years, and I was sure she was the one I wanted to marry. Problem was, I didn’t exactly have enough money to get her a good engagement ring. So, in order to raise funds, I put my collection of baseball trading cards on eBay. We’re talking a collection that spanned, like, 20 years, thanks to some cards handed down by my dad. I was totally bummed to part with them because they were so important to me, but I really, really loved this girl. I ended up making more than enough money to pay for a ring. Problem was, when I got down on one knee, she told me that she couldn’t see spending the rest of her life with me.
— Owen, 26, Chagrin Falls, OH
我和女友在一起已经3年多了,而且我确信她就是我要娶的那个人。但问题是,我没有足够的钱来给她买一个好的订婚戒指。所以,为了筹钱,我将收集的所有棒球交易卡挂在eBay网上。收集这种交易卡是需要时间的,比如20年,其中一些卡是我父亲传下来的。我忍痛割舍,心情十分沮丧,因为这些卡片对我来说太重要了。但是, 我真的,真的非常爱这个女孩。最后,我换得了足够购买一枚戒指的钱。然而,当我单膝跪地时,她告诉我,她不能想象和我一起过完后半辈子的日子。
His love of exotic food helped broaden my palate 他对异域美食的喜好丰富了我的味蕾
“My boyfriend loves going to exotic restaurants. I, on the other hand, am a ‘burger and fries’ girl. I’d always been able to avoid eating anything too disgusting at most of his favorite places, but then he took me to a sushi place. Despite hearing all sorts of good things about sushi, I couldn’t shake the fact that it was raw fish, and honestly gagged whenever I thought about it. My boyfriend really urged me to give it a chance, though, and I trusted his judgment. I picked up a piece of spicy tuna roll, felt my stomach flip over, shoved it into my mouth, and choked it down. I thought I was going to lose it, but stayed calm — it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, and my boyfriend really loved the fact that I gave it a chance. Who knew that I would wind up eating sushi?”
— Erin, 32, Salt Lake City, UT
I didn’t think before getting her name in ink...我以前从未想过会将她的名字刺青
“Everyone says you should never tattoo a woman’s name on your arm in the name of love. I learned my lesson the hard way. I was so enamored with this girl I dated in college that I marched into the tattoo parlor and had them ink her name on my left arm. Even the tattoo artist discouraged me, but I wasn’t hearing it. Sure enough, we broke up half a year later, and I had to get her name covered up with some stupid design. What can I say? I’m an idiot.”
— Jordan, 25, Las Vegas, NV
“每个人都说永远不要以爱情为名将一个女人的名字刺青在胳膊上。我着实上了一课。我是如此地迷恋这个我在大学时就开始交往的女孩以至于我去纹身店将她的名字刺青在我的左胳膊上。甚至那个刺青师都劝我不要那样做,但是我不听。果不其然,我们半年后就分手了,而我不得不用一些愚蠢的图案来遮住她的名字。我能说什么呢?我就是个白痴。 ”
His encouragement helped me hit all the right notes 他的鼓励使我颠覆自我
“Normally, I’m super-shy – at least, until I started dating my current boyfriend. He’s very outgoing, and he always invited me to karaoke night with his friends at their local hangout. Everyone was getting up to sing... except me. After a few drinks — OK, maybe more than a few — I was able to step out of my comfort zone and get on stage for the first time ever. I sang ‘I Love Rock and Roll’ and completely shocked everyone, including my boyfriend, who said it was one of the sexiest things he’d ever seen. Thank you, Jack Daniels and Joan Jett.”
— Dawn, 23, Baltimore, MD
I found out the hard way that our love wasn’t going to go the distance. 我发现我们的爱情走不了那么长的距离
“My boyfriend of a year and four months had to move for his job. It wasn’t dramatically far away, but it was still three states over. I was living in Ohio then, and he had to move to Maryland. We talked on the phone, wrote letters and all that, and I could tell that he was getting increasingly homesick. I decided to surprise him by ducking out of work early one Friday, driving over to see him — it’s about five or six hours by car — and cheering him up. Turns out I didn’t need to, though, because when I showed up at his apartment that night, I found him having dinner with a woman he met at work. At least I didn’t need to worry about staying awake on the long drive home — I was too upset to fall asleep.”
— Jackie, 27, Manhasset, NY
“我和男友交往一年四个月,因为工作原因,他不得不搬家。而我们相距不是一般的远,有跨越3个州的距离。那时我住在俄亥俄州,而他不得不搬到马里兰。我们煲电话粥,写信等等,而我也感受到他越来越想家。我决定找个周五早点去看他,给他一个惊喜。开车去看他大概需要5-6小时的车程,他一定会很雀跃的。然而,结果并不是我想的那样, 因为当我晚上出现在他公寓时,我看到他正在和一个工作时认识的女人共进晚餐。至少,我不用担心在回去的路上会睡着,因为我太伤心了,根本无法睡觉。”
Loving her helped me take the plunge 对他的爱使我勇于冒险
“I’m scared to death of heights, flying, even standing on a chair to change a light bulb. Lucky for me, so was my girlfriend. I was perfectly fine being a scaredy-cat, but for whatever reason, she wanted to face her fear and signed us up to go skydiving together. I don’t know how she convinced me to go, but there I was, up in a plane, with a professional instructor and a parachute strapped to my back. After we both landed, she ran into my arms, thrilled and excited, and said, ‘I’m so glad we did that together. I’ll never forget it’ and we kissed. I was just happy I didn’t throw up!”
— Will, 24, Cleveland, OH
“我恐高,害怕飞行,甚至站在椅子上换灯泡都让我感到恐惧。幸运的是,我女友也一样。我对我的胆小鬼行径乐此不疲,但是,出于种种原因,她想要直面恐惧并带我一起去跳伞。我不知道她是怎么说服我的,但是我去了,我们一同乘飞机飞行到高空中,旁边坐着专业指导员,背上绑着降落伞。我们都落地后,她飞奔向我怀中,很兴奋,很激动地说, ‘我们一起跳伞了,我太高兴了。我永远不会忘记.’ 然后我们接吻。我很开心我没有呕吐!”