A product once thought to be popular with China's online shoppers is facing scrutiny as of late: human breast milk.
According to a recent report in state-run China Daily, mothers who have been selling their excess breast milk on e-commerce sites, such as Taobao.com and Ganji.com, aren't getting much business lately.
Chinese moms with extra milk assumed they would have a bustling market in China, where milk tainted with the industrial chemical melamine killed at least six children and caused illnesses in nearly 300,000 others in 2008. The country's myriad of new moms--some of whom have a shortage of breast milk for their babies--have since feared formula as an alternative nutrition source.
But the Web's wet nurses aren't popular with consumers, even those who are looking to avoid potentially dangerous additives in powdered infant formula, the China Daily report said. Many mothers see more danger in offering their children milk from strangers than in buying powdered infant formula.
'It's creepy,' the China Daily cited Huo Xiaohua, 27 and a new mother, as saying.
One mother in Hangzhou attempted to peddle 250 milliliters of extra milk for 55 yuan, or roughly $8.40, on Taobao earlier in May, attempting to avoid wasting what she saw as a valuable commodity, according to the state-run Global Times.
Taobao has removed the woman's listing. A person answering the phone in Taobao's service center said 'selling breast milk is not allowed' on the site and that such listings are removed immediately (see a cached example of one such listing here).
Consumers in other markets are also shunning any hopes of a human lactation sensation. Some New Yorkers gagged when they sampled cheese made from breast milk at a Manhattan gallery in May, according to a Reuters report.
Two months earlier, health officials in London ordered a local restaurant to stop selling breast milk ice cream after locals complained about potential health and sanitation risks passed on to consumers.
U.S. rocker Lady Gaga joined U.K. authorities in asking the restaurant to stop selling the pasteurized ice cream, which sold for more than $20 a pop, according to the Daily Mail. The musician claimed the ice cream's name, 'Baby Gaga,' was a trademark infringement and was 'deliberately provocative and, to many people, nausea-inducing.'
英国报纸《每日邮报》(Daily Mail)报道称,美国摇滚明星Lady Gaga也和英国当局一起要求那家餐馆停售巴士杀菌母乳冰激凌,每支冰激凌售价20多美元。Lady Gaga说,这款“Baby Gaga”冰激凌的名称属商标侵权,故意挑衅,并让很多人感觉反胃。
Even if Taobao and other sites were to allow the sale of breast milk in China, Zhang Junping, a gynecologist at the Fudan University-affiliated Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital in Shanghai, told China Daily there are medical reasons why an infant should not drink milk from another mother.
'Despite the fact that the milk sold online is produced by new mothers who are breastfeeding their own babies, different babies need different kinds of nutrition, which can only be met by their biological mother's milk,' Zhang was quoted by the newspaper as saying.
The failure of China's mother-cum-milk sellers to find a market may not be the end of the breast milk story, however. Some scientists are attempting to engineer safe human breast milk production by genetically modifying cows. (See video of the attempt posted on China Real Time last week.)
Whether consumers will find the human-cow milk any less creepy that the pure human variety remains to be seen.