Not every industry was decimated by the recession, in fact some areas of the economy are thriving.
As a counterpoint to a recent report on the the top 10 dying industries, research firm IBIS World has released a list of the top 10 fastest-growing industries.
Bloomberg News风力发电被认为是朝阳行业之一。为了呼应前段时间推出的《美国十大行将就木行业》的报告,研究机构IBIS World发布了《美国十大增长最快的行业》报告。
Unsurprisingly, the list is led by the tech and environmental sectors, which take up eight of the ten spots. There's some good news for some of those in the top 10 dying industries. While wired telecom carriers dominated the dying list, voice over Internet protocol leads the list of thriving industries, illustrating the shift from one technology to another. Similarly, while newspaper publishers are among the dying industries, Internet publishers are counted with the thrivers.
Meanwhile, demographic shifts are also adding to the list of fastest-growing industries. Insurance-claims adjusters are in a growing sector as the Baby Boom generation ages. Unfortunately, a growing population also increases the need for prison guards, as correctional facilities make the list of thriving industries.