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艺考筑梦人实录:要成功 做自己



又到了一年一度的 “艺考”时间,无数怀揣着明星梦的年轻学子又踏上了千军万马过独木桥的征途。什么样的考生才能最终脱颖而出呢?其实各大艺术院校更为看重的是个人潜质,所谓 “清纯风”不过是 “浮云(floating clouds)”,而明星考生们也同样需要过五关斩六将。


Liu Lili looks like a fashion outlaw in the lineup outside the performing test venue at the Beijing Film Academy (BFA). She sports eyeliner and mascara and painted nails.

However, the reporters and photographers who surveyed the many hopefuls looking to gain entry to the academy’s acting major, predicted that many candidates would adopt the “natural” approach - a trend that was set by Zhou Dongyu, who spearheaded the makeup-free style in the film The Love of the Hawthorn Tree. Zhou is also among the hopefuls.
但在调查了多位有望通过北影表演系艺考的考生之后,记者以及摄影师们预测到,周冬雨在电影《山楂树之恋》中的清纯打扮将引领一股“清纯风”的盛行,考生们纷纷选择以 “清纯”造型示人。周冬雨也是有望进入北影的考生之一。

“Some women may be copying Zhou’s style to gain the judges’ favor, but I’m not. As usual, I am just being myself,” said Liu, 19, from Henan, one of the applicants for the academy’s acting major. “The media love to portray us all as eye candy, but actually we all have our own personalities.”

Previously, Liu studied at the Guangdong Dance Academy, where most students are slim and beautiful. However, Liu and her peers didn’t compare themselves with each other in terms of appearance, as the media like to believe. “It’s pointless to do this when most students are good-looking,” said Liu. “It’s our personalities that actually help us stand out.”

Liu’s views are echoed by many potential performing arts students. In an era when stars are produced like bars of soaps, young, aspiring stars say they value individuality more than others’ expectations.

The competition for places is fierce, and this year BFA plans to admit only 30 undergraduates to its performing arts major. This means that 99.4 percent of applicants will have their dreams shattered. Another top performing arts school, the Central Academy of Drama (CAD), have 1,610 applicants for only 60 places on its acting course.

Critic Han Bingbin argued in his commentary piece in China Daily that performing arts schools’ admissions procedures may be producing “homogenized clones” - dancers, singers, and speakers of CCTV’s Spring Festival Gala style.

However, Cao Le, 20, another applicant from Shandong, may help ease Han’s worries. She feels that it’s unnecessary to copy anyone.

“If the interviewers think I have potential and am fit for the major, I will pass the exams. It has little to do with the other candidates,” Cao said.

Both Cao and Liu chose to take this confidence into the improvised acting test. Their strategy was to simply “be themselves”, and impress the judges with their strong personalities.

Wang Jinsong, deputy head of the School of Performance at BFA, noticed that many applicants adopted the same approach. “Quite a few of this year’s applicants displayed strong, even rather strange personalities. But it’s understandable. Students are as diverse as the arts themselves,” Wang told The Beijing Times.

Song Yi, 21, used the same strategy to pass her interviews and auditions five years ago and was admitted to CAD’s acting department. She believes it’s a good strategy because each interviewee may only have a few lines in the short group acting piece.

“A strong personality can help you to steal the show. However, it’s important not to become so exaggerated that you appear eccentric,” said Song.

Cui Xinqin, a professor of acting and performance at BFA, had the final word. “To succeed in the exams, applicants need to have talent, be well prepared and must be able to endure many ups and downs,” she told Xinhua.


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